The candidate
By Sophia Li | May 29Teresa Tanzi may well have been the first-ever member of Brown's class of 2010, but she won't share the stage this weekend with her one-time classmates. In fact, she never even took a class with them.
Teresa Tanzi may well have been the first-ever member of Brown's class of 2010, but she won't share the stage this weekend with her one-time classmates. In fact, she never even took a class with them.
This year Brown will award honorary degrees to eight individuals prominent in a variety of fields, including film, public service and historical scholarship. The recipients were selected by the Board of Fellows of the Corporation, based on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees. ...
Just over two weeks ago, two young alums were struck by a car while walking in Brooklyn — a hit-and-run that joined two recent fatalities that crystallized the fragility of human life for the Brown community.
Bracketed by the Van Wickle Gates and Soldiers Arch, Brown's bustling campus 50 years ago reached little beyond the Main Green and Lincoln Field. A residential neighborhood of old colonial homes and stately Victorian mansions extended right to its doorstep. Today, the University sprawls over most of ...
When the University announced it had hired famed African writer Chinua Achebe last month, it brought into its Department of Africana Studies one of the world's highest-profile thinkers on Africa. But rather than an isolated move, the hiring is just the latest indicator of a consistent effort to enhance ...
The lot of land Mark Falugo's family owns is nearly deserted during the day, but the signs of human habitation are obvious. The downtown property holds about a dozen tents, the dwellings of 18 homeless men and women.
Last year, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi was diagnosed with terminal cancer — a piece of personal information that catapulted the former Libyan intelligence official to the center of an international controversy.
Education, environmental justice, women's health, chemistry — at first glance, the different passions that Alison Cohen '09 pursues seem loosely connected. But in her academic work and outside activities, the San Francisco native has brought together her diverse array of interests, earning recognition ...
Physician and public health leader Jim Yong Kim '82 discussed global health's future — and his own as the recently elected president of Dartmouth — in Andrews Dining Hall Tuesday afternoon, stressing the importance of broad-based health solutions over tackling diseases one-by-one.
With little ceremony, the faculty last month took the final step in laying to rest what was once a major component of the New Curriculum.