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Sonia Phene

University News

Poll: First-years come prepared for academic success

A majority of faculty members find first-year students prepared for college-level academics, with 23 percent responding that first-years were “very prepared” and 50 percent responding that they were “somewhat prepared” in a Herald faculty poll conducted earlier this month.    Professor ...

The Setonian
University News

Financial aid office posts undocumented student policy

Undocumented students have been able to receive financial aid from the University for at least seven years. But this fact was not readily available online until March 21, when the Office of Financial Aid updated the frequently asked questions section of its website to include information for undocumented ...

The Setonian
University News

Undergrads consider impact of Chavez’ death

Since former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s death March 5, the country has been preparing for elections April 14 to elect a new leader after Chavez’s 14-year rule. The election will present opportunities for change in U.S.-Venezuelan relations, and some Venezuelan students and scholars said ...

University News

U. looks to expand academic ties to Brazil

The University is looking to strengthen its existing ties and form new connections with Brazil as part of a multi-step process of engagement, said Matthew Gutmann P’14, vice president for international affairs. Gutmann highlighted the University’s commitment to new research initiatives in conjunction ...


Technology connects students abroad with life back home

Students studying abroad adapt to an array of changes, from the food they eat to the classrooms where they study. But for many students, the only technological habit that changes in a foreign country is the adapter they plug into the wall. As students go abroad looking for adventure and new experiences, ...

University News

Brazilian senator probes moral cost of progress

Progress as society perceives it may not always be positive, said Cristovam Buarque, a member of the Brazilian Senate, in a lecture Tuesday to a full room at the Joukowsky Forum in the Watson Institute. “Scientific and technical knowledge is accelerating with a stagnation of ethical development,” ...

The Setonian
University News

Committee recommends increased support for grad students

The Committee on Doctoral Education released an interim report Friday with recommendations for improving the University’s commitment to graduate studies. The report highlighted initiatives specifically centered around achieving two objectives — excellence and distinctiveness — for graduate programs.   ‘Bottom ...

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