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Mili Mitra


Mili Mitra: Memory ghosts

The summer before my first year at Brown, whilst deep in the throes of high school nostalgia, I stumbled across a Huffington Post blog titled, “Letting Go of Your Memory Ghost.” It began: “Do you know what a memory ghost is? It’s not an actual ghost of course. It’s the pizzeria that takes ...


Mitra '18: Tax plan would weaken higher ed

After numerous flip-flops, inaccuracies and hand-written revisions at the last minute, the Republican tax bill passed the U.S. Senate by one vote in the wee hours of Saturday morning. A largely similar bill had cleared the Republican-dominated U.S. House of Representatives on Nov. 16, setting the stage ...


Mitra '18: Confronting predators in politics

For the last year, I have struggled to come to terms with how someone with a long history of denigrating and objectifying women could rise to the highest office in the land. President Trump has bragged about sexually assaulting women on camera; commodified and disrespected women — including teenage ...


Mitra '18: Lessons from a lost year

Exactly a year ago today, the unthinkable happened. Donald Trump — real estate magnate, creator of birtherism and self-confessed “pussy”-grabber — was elected 45th president of the United States. In the months since, his administration has treated us to a whirlwind of scandals, headlines and ...


Mitra '18: In support of Bannister Street

In September, the Providence City Council passed a resolution calling for the removal of Confederate flags and monuments from public property.  The measure was a good-faith effort to show solidarity with marginalized communities after the horrifying events in Charlottesville this summer — but it ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: Dear Jimmy Fallon

The Trump administration, with its many foibles and missteps, has been a boon for late-night television. Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert have seen their ratings skyrocket after their scathing critiques of President Trump and his enablers. Jimmy Kimmel had one of the most viral moments of the year in ...


Mitra '18: Why ‘Free Speech Week’ was bound to fail

Last week, the infamous Free Speech Week at the University of California at Berkeley was officially cancelled. This was not altogether surprising given that it had been poorly organized from the start. The coordinators repeatedly missed deadlines to register their events, failed to book rooms on time ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: Stop reading college rankings

Over the years, people have attributed the economic inequality in higher education to a variety of conditions: the advantage given to legacy students, the lack of extensive and well-communicated financial aid opportunities and the altogether inscrutable college admissions process. Now, a new factor ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: Harriet Tubman deserves top billing

On the one hand, we have Harriet Tubman, a humanitarian and abolitionist who dedicated her life to fighting for the freedom of enslaved people. She risked her life as a spy for the Union Army, spent years guiding others to liberty and eventually became the most famous “conductor” on the Underground ...

The Setonian

Mitra ’18: Libraries in limbo

Earlier this month, Ivanka Trump came under fire from an unlikely source: Librarians across the country took to Twitter to criticize her for a tweet commemorating National Library Week. The first daughter wrote that, “This #NationalLibraryWeek, we honor our libraries and librarians for opening our ...

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