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Lindsey Meyers

The Setonian

Will fortune favor the brave?

While I do not normally hobnob with famous journalists, last summer I had the special opportunity to meet Bob Herbert — the New York Times columnist — when I was an intern on the "Morning Joe" Show at MSNBC news.  After I discussed his commentary on the show that day, he amicably fished ...

The Setonian

Did Al Gore tell a Nobel lie?

Though Al Gore is a darling in Hollywood, it seems he just can't catch a break in court. First, there was that bitter legal disappointment about hanging chads in Florida. Now a High Court judge in London has ruled that his documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," is something less than the truth, the ...

The Setonian

Bush leaves his mark - and it's not Iraq

OXFORD - Predicting the judgment of history is no easy task. Even so, I wonder whether President Bush's most lasting legacy will be the decisions rendered by the new conservative majority of his Supreme Court, rather than the debacle in Iraq.

The Setonian

McNickle '10: Healing the iPod nation with theater

First-years may find it strange to learn that they have an award-winning playwright and an accomplished female director among their ranks. But for those who know Kato McNickle '10, it isn't a surprise that she would choose to be the author and arbiter of her own education as a student in the Resumed ...

The Setonian

'Merrily' rolls backward through time

In a surprising twist, the musical meta-critically describes itself by stating, "It's fun, it's opulent, it's Broadway." These words issue forth from Gussie Carnegie (Aja Nisenson '07), a Broadway siren, well-schooled in the alluring, but ultimately empty materialism of success. With the wink and smirk ...

The Setonian

SASA show spices up tradition

Traditional and modern elements of music, dance and comedy were effectively combined Saturday night when the South Asian Students' Association presented its annual cultural show to an appreciative audience that filled Salomon 101 to capacity.

The Setonian

'Greeks' a powerful journey through tragedy and justice

The curtain rises on a group of Trojan and Greek women standing on a bare stage. Because the past is prologue to their present, they ask what caused the Trojan War. Was it the mother goddess who arose naked from Chaos and separated the earth from the sky as she danced? Or did the discord arise from ...

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