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Jenna Stark

The Setonian

Loui's hits the small screen on the Food Network

Loui's Diner has long been famous among Brown students as a good place to end the night, start the morning or a combination of the two — but now the diner's pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes, muffins and barbecued chicken-and-cheese ravioli may be recognized across the nation.

The Setonian
University News

Corporation to focus on long-term outlook

Against the backdrop of a weakened economy, a shrunken endowment and a significantly diminished budget, the University's highest governing body is set to convene this weekend to evaluate the changes the University has undergone in the last year and determine if additional adjustments are needed.

The Setonian

Festival city's biggest green party

Saturday's sun shone on an unlikely scene near Kennedy Plaza. Children scampered by in colorful animal masks, musicians jammed on a stage and vendors clamored for the attention of passersby. The inaugural Providence Sustainability Festival was held all day downtown, bringing together students and grandparents, ...

The Setonian
Commencement 2009

Even the best laid plans

Eight years ago, the University began a plan to increase the size of its faculty, build new facilities and strengthen the endowment, all funded by the largest capital campaign in Brown's history. But as the $1.4 billion Campaign for Academic Enrichment nears its end, new economic challenges have forced ...

The Setonian

Q&A with John Edwards

Before his lecture Tuesday, former senator and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards spoke with The Herald about poverty, life after his 2008 presidential run and his plans for the future.

The Setonian

Tamir defends IDF actions in Gaza Strip

Amid tensions brought on by the recent war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the upcoming elections in Israel this week, Nadav Tamir, consul general at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem, spoke yesterday about the possibility of a two-state solution from an Israeli perspective. ...

The Setonian

$15k donation stirs controversy

The University spent $15,000 to register Vice President for International Affairs David Kennedy '76 for the Clinton Global Initiative's annual meeting last September, according to a list released by the Clinton Foundation in mid-December.

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