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Jared Lafer

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: The one that got away

The open curriculum provides us with a framework for incomparable academic freedom. We can take basically whatever course we want, choose our grading system, add and drop courses on a whim and create courses and concentrations if the current availabilities don't meet our fancies.

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: What delusive dreams may come

A recent Herald article ("A spirited tour of the East Side's major haunts," Oct. 30) reported on two local organizations: the Providence Ghost Tour and the Providence Ghost Walk. These groups give regular tours of Providence and its allegedly supernatural hotspots. They pass the time with historically ...

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: A history of discrimination against Jews

In 2005, the New Yorker published an article by Malcolm Gladwell called "Getting In," which discussed admissions at elite universities. It cited Jerome Karabel's book "The Chosen," which argues that discrimination against Jews in the early 20th century gave rise to modern day admissions practices. I ...

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: To test, or be tested

Brown is the bubble on College Hill, a sanctuary from the harsh realities of the world. But this supportive and welcoming veneer can often obscure us from the true purpose of college: Brown is one big testing ground.

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: Dorm shopping

Let's go back in time to the summer before your freshman year. You've just received your housing assignment and find that you've landed in some residence hall — let's call it "A" in the spirit of non-discrimination.

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: Make the Health Services fee optional

I hate to waste money. Accordingly, when it comes to personal spending I try carefully to gauge the necessity of the expenditure at hand. I don't have much discretion, however, over educational expenses. Brown sets the prices and students have to pay to attend.

The Setonian

Jared Lafer '11: Grade options, why hath thou failed me?

Grade option flexibility is a celebrated luxury of the New Curriculum. It speaks to Brown's distinctiveness and emphasis on liberal education, and I'd be lying if I said I haven't indulged myself by taking a couple of classes S/NC. However, while the advantages of this grading structure are undeniable, ...

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