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Hector Najera

The Setonian

Najera GS: Untangling your mind

I want to explicate what many Brown students already know — that the classroom does not have to be composed of four walls. The stories students and faculty bring to Brown are one example. From traveling in South America to working in the community, it is clear that growth emerges everywhere. This ...

The Setonian

Najera GS: Compromising University values

Recently, the Graduate School published a new policy for sixth-year funding. In short, it asks graduate students to compete and be ranked against each other for a limited pool of money that would go toward their sixth year of doctoral study. Although it is characterized by the Grad School as increasing ...

The Setonian

Najera GS: Immigration policy as a caste system

Last fall, the DREAM Act, which would have provided a path to citizenship for undocumented students, was defeated by Congress despite the appeal of students from across the country, including some from the Brown community. It seems fruitful, therefore, to explore the legal structure in which these DREAMers ...

The Setonian

Linking to remember

I find myself in a constant struggle against forgetting — haunted by Marcus Aurelius' observation that time is like a torrent that sweeps away all that is born. Insights, faces, actions, definitions — anything that sprouts a root in my memory is immediately threatened by the currents of ...

The Setonian

Najera GS: When we corrupt ourselves

Over 70 years ago, the great educator Robert Hutchins warned a graduating class about corruption. "I am not worried about your economic future," he told them. "I am worried about your morals…Time will corrupt you. Your friends, your wives or husbands, your business or professional associates ...

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