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Daniel Moraff


Moraff '14: Andrews Commons: a colossal waste

Imagine that the so-called “Andrews Commons” weren’t hideously overpriced. Imagine that the fluorescent aesthetic weren’t a weird pseudo-modernist misfire and imagine that the tables weren’t awkward and weird. Imagine if the space truly conveyed “a streamlined ambiance of maximum efficiency,” ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: Deficit nonsense at Brown

Tuition is skyrocketing and financial aid remains insufficient. The Brown administration is very, very good at offering nonsensical but reasonable-sounding explanations for why this might be. Of these explanations, probably the silliest is our so-called $4 million “deficit.” As Provost Mark Schlissel ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: Ditch the Corporation

“Work with us” is the mantra of the modern university administrator. Collaborate. Compromise. Be polite and considerate, and you will be heard. You have a voice. We will listen. Brown Divest Coal did everything right. Its members collected petitions. They held peaceful and nondisruptive rallies. ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: Corporate Criminals

Steve Cohen P’08 P’16 is many things: Brown trustee, one of the 52 members of the Brown Corporation who run the University, founder and manager of the $10 billion hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, 35th richest man in America, eccentric art collector. And now add this one to the list: accused enabler ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: The bogus strategic planning process

President Christina Paxson’s strategic planning process is fatally flawed. It was flawed from the beginning, and any recommendations born out of this process should be taken with a massive grain of salt. First off, the big idea behind strategic planning was that all groups at Brown would be represented. ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: Secret bad decisions

We heard the first of it February 2012. The Gate, said a line in The Herald, would be shuttered and a new dining facility opened in Andrews Dining Hall. It was a weird idea — after all, the Gate has been renovated recently, it’s not exactly jammed to capacity and in this age of rapidly rising tuition ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: Our Bill Gates problem

When Bill Gates puts a huge chunk of his fortune into the American educational system, a few things happen: Schools receive funding they desperately need, educational policy is fundamentally corrupted, Bill Gates receives extensive attention and praise and Bill Gates’ lifestyle stays exactly the same. That ...

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