Dana Goldstein '06: Work and motherhood: a Brown study
By DAISY GOLDSTEIN | October 25What do women want to be when they grow up?
What do women want to be when they grow up?
This semester, you'll see four female writers contributing regularly to this opinions page - Maha Atal '08, Laura Martin '06, Courtney Jenkins '07 and myself. That's four writers out of a current stable of 16 regular columnists. Last semester, the figure was the same. Four women -Marjon Carlos '05, ...
In our consumption culture, buying and not buying are becoming preferred modes of activism. Isn't it easier, after all, to boycott labor-abusing Wal-Mart than to lobby for a national living wage? Anti-Bush groups tried - and failed - to organize a zero-consumption day to coincide with the president's ...
The volume of responses to Harvard President Lawrence Summers' comments last month on the supposed futility of achieving gender equality on his science and mathematics faculty seems to represent a collective exhalation. University campuses are somewhat accustomed to considering questions of gender difference ...
Last month, Peter Weiss, chair of the RISD Museum's Board of Governors, visited a Student Alliance meeting to discuss the relationship between the Museum and the college's undergraduates, a relationship that has sometimes been strained due to a lack of communication and lingering questions about the ...
You will go through a Whole Foods stage, infatuated with the huge selection of tofu consistencies. Then you will graduate to East Side Marketplace, realizing that a supermarket isn't worthy of the name if it doesn't stock carbonated sugar water made by evil corporations. And then you will check your ...
When former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean visited Brown on Sept. 9, he told The Herald that college students should mobilize against the possibility of a military draft.
The University Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice continues its program tonight with a lecture by Edward Ball '82, the National Book Award-winning author of "Slaves in the Family." Ball's memoir, published in 1998, recounts the writer's experience of searching for both the black and white descendants ...
On the night of February 3, 1996, a first-year drank with her girlfriends before heading to a party at Delta Tau. A few hours later, a male junior found the girl lying next to a pool of vomit and helped her to his room. The next morning, the young woman woke up, gave the young man her phone number ...