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Bami Oke

The Setonian

Oke '20: Words of hate, words of healing

Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung (German, n.): the process of coming to terms with the past. I started this article at a loss for words. It’s ironic because I’m supposed to be a writer, but there are some instances in life that garner such great emotion, there’s little room left for anything at all ...


Oke '20: Don’t be afraid to dream small

Every new year I make myself a grandiose list of resolutions to follow and every year I forget about them by the end of January. Like most other resolution-ers, I tell myself that I’m going to eat healthier, get back into the gym, smile more, etc. But then all of a sudden life gets in the way and, ...


Oke ’20: Defining blackness in college admissions

“We attend a university that is obsessed with the optics of our black and brown faces, but is indifferent to the justice we seek,” wrote Cornell University’s Black Students United. After reading that statement I thought to myself, “Don’t we all?” Most of us have heard about the Diversity ...


Oke '20: Our place in Providence

I don’t have a defined answer for improving community relations between college students and local residents, but if we stop fooling ourselves and acknowledge the effect that genuine, substantive actions can have, maybe then we’ll be able to find a rightful place in Providence. When I first sat ...


Oke '20: Tired of hashtag activism? #MeToo

Things I use Twitter for: political rants, news updates, funny videos, wholesome memes. Things I do not use Twitter for: combatting sexual assault. In recent years, social media has become a haven for introverts, celebrities and internet trolls to voice their thoughts in the hope that at least one of ...


Oke '20: DeVos’ title IX policy is an affront to justice

Last month, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos rescinded the Obama administration’s “Dear Colleague” letter — a document that provided incentives and clear guidelines for the proper handling of sexual assaults on college campuses. DeVos justified her decision by noting that the previous system ...

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