home sweet home [feature]
“Do you wanna see his finger?” My friend reaches into his pocket to grab his phone, grinning like we’re talking about high school drama.
“Do you wanna see his finger?” My friend reaches into his pocket to grab his phone, grinning like we’re talking about high school drama.
In my Intro to Creative Nonfiction class, I wrote about my grandmother for my first piece. I wrote about her because she was dead, and nothing comes more naturally than remembering a person who no longer exists.
The road between Western and non-Western culture diverges at several points. Most notably, it splits at the core values of individualism and collectivism. Placing priority on the well-being of oneself as opposed to the well-being of a family or community shapes fundamental societal structures and traditions. ...
1. In game theory, players are assumed to be rational actors, meaning they make the “move” that best benefits them given the choices of other players. That’s why, in economics classes, you draw tree diagrams, starting at the very end and working backward, allowing players to evaluate every ...
In the glow of a mid-February twilight, as falling snow dusted the lining of my coat, I walked on water.
In Alumnae Hall, above the strange, too-empty passages and old couches, there is a small suite of rooms that you will almost certainly miss unless you are looking for it. It’s one of those tucked-away corners of campus where computers feel out of place, and you can still clearly visualize women in ...
Here is how I discovered the meaning of the word, “sky.”
“Instructions for living a life:
I am six and decaying. The heat’s out, Toronto’s winter is angry, plum-red in its fury, and my dad knocks; he must hear me shivering. I hear the thud of his boots before I see him, all bald and devoted. He glances at me, mutters “Be right back,” and the wobbly house holds its breath as he sprints. ...
When people realize I am bilingual, there are usually a few things they want to know. Starter questions, if you will: Do you dream in English or Korean? Which language do you think in? Do you translate between the two languages in your own head? How are you so good at English?
It’s possible to find comfort in something intended to be perplexing. Filling out the symmetrical 15x15 crossword puzzle grid is a joy often experienced in the tranquility of a hammock or a cozy corner on the sofa, accompanied by a warm mug of tea. The clues, riddled with cryptic questions and demanding ...
In one of the happiest countries in the world, I turned inward, a quiet countenance taking over my typically jovial spirit.
For thousands of days, I have woken to birdsong. The street where I grew up is flush with trees, some a century thick, that provide home to robins, cardinals, house finches, and mourning doves cooing in the blue-black of early morning. These birds scatter in my wake on morning walks. They snip at each ...
“No marriage till you’re 30.”
It starts and ends with the hills.
At the sand-colored strip mall near my elementary school, wedged between the dry cleaners and ice cream parlor, was my sister and I’s childhood playground. On long summer days or rainy afternoons, my mother would park beneath the dusty sycamores and walk us across the asphalt to the glass storefront. ...
I was only 17 when I ejaculated into the cup that my future children would be frozen in. I was about to become a mother, whether I wanted to or not.