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The Setonian

Editorial: Fighting words

Dear Columbia,We're better than you. Yup, we said it — better. Better at sports, better at academics, better at life. We square off in football this weekend and, to be 100 percent honest, nobody really thinks you have a chance.

The Setonian

Jonathan Topaz '12: Killing the boredom-killing business

In the satirical movie "Network," Howard Beale, an established and respected nightly news anchor, is fired for his newscast's poor ratings. In his farewell address, Beale goes on a shocking tirade and consequently earns the name "mad prophet." Beale starts a new show, which quickly becomes the most ...

The Setonian

Reviewing the Review Board

Academic research involving human subjects — from a straightforward interview to advanced biomedical testing — raises a host of difficult technical and ethical questions. To ensure that students and researchers on Brown's campus work effectively and conscientiously, and to comply with federal ...

The Setonian

Seven reasons to oppose the public option

Brown students agree that there is a problem in the current U.S. health-care system: It isn't meeting its tremendous potential to deliver quality, affordable and timely treatment. In response, Congress is likely to adopt one of the following methods: institute the public option, or change the arena ...

The Setonian

Having the courage to be free

There are two types of people in politics: those who accept the burden of freedom and those who cling to the comfort of their own delusions. Contemporary American politics and culture has been a feeding-frenzy for the desperate fury of weak (not stupid) people who would rather believe in absurdities ...

The Setonian

Letter: Good without the Loch Ness monster

To the Editor:I want to address a couple key points in Anish Mitra's '10 recent column ("Good without God? A response," Nov. 16). The thrust of Mitra's piece is a critique of the militancy and vocalness of the atheist movement today. He begins by positing that taking a missionary strategy toward ...

The Setonian

Editorial: On the path to leadership

The addition of Chinua Achebe to Brown's faculty marks a bold step in the University's efforts to establish itself as a leader in Africana studies. With the "father of modern African literature" on College Hill, Brown's Africana studies faculty now includes several distinguished writers and scholars. ...

The Setonian

Quigley '10: It's my car and I'll text if I want to

On several occasions this past summer, as I was making the trip from my internship office in Princeton to my family's house in Rhode Island, pride for my state consumed me. I was not sure about the laws in New Jersey or New York, but I was certain that Connecticut had made texting while driving illegal, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The departed

Gov. Donald Carcieri '65 made prodigious use of his veto powers last week. Carcieri nixed more than two dozen of the 243 bills that the General Assembly passed during the recent special session. Some of these vetoes were reasonable, some were questionable and a few were downright wrong. Particularly ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Double-time

Last week The Herald reported on a Princeton freshman who filed suit against the university in an attempt to receive extended time on her exams. We believe Princeton and other schools deserve a tremendous amount of deference in choosing their own testing procedures. The alternative, having judges lift ...

The Setonian

Letter: PLME program decision makes sense

To the Editor:There has been a lot of fuss lately about the PLME program's decision to start implementing its new applying-out policy immediately rather than waiting five years for a new batch of PLME students to matriculate into the medical school.I'm a senior in the PLME program, so this new policy ...

The Setonian

Anish Mitra '10: Good without God? A response.

After reading Michael Fitzpatrick's column ("Good without God," Nov. 10), I was a bit puzzled. I saw one of those "Go, Atheism!" banners while I was in the city a few weeks ago for interviews, and I never realized that people actually took them seriously.  After all, if you saw a banner that said, ...

The Setonian

Kate Fritzsche '10: Real news requires real analysis

The recent gay marriage battle in Maine is just one frustrating example of the disturbing trend of the media's irresponsible coverage of political issues. In recent reports on political events and opinions, most news media sources in the U.S. have developed a dangerous habit of just repeating what speakers ...

The Setonian

Editor's note

During the course of its standard copy-editing process, The Herald discovered that portions of an article scheduled for publication on Oct. 29 used language from another source without proper quotation or attribution. The passages in question were corrected, and The Herald reviewed all of the reporter's ...

The Setonian

Mary Bates GS: The importance of mentoring

Success in graduate school cannot be accomplished alone. One of the most important relationships you will develop in grad school will be with your mentor, a person whose role goes beyond merely advising to include support, encouragement and guidance.

The Setonian

Honoring the war dead at Brown

To the Editor:I was glad to see Alyssa Ratledge's '11 recent column ("Do you know what today is?", Nov. 11), because I too grew up formally recognizing this day. I grew up in the UK during World War II. We lived on a hilltop south of London, on a regular night flight path for German bombers. I witnessed ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Return of the soldier

Last Friday, The Herald published a poll showing a strong plurality of Brown students in support of the return of the Reserve Officer Training Corps, which prepares college students to serve in the United States military. With 33.8 percent of respondents uncertain, 41.3 percent said they would approve ...

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