Katz '14: 'Freedom' taken too far
By Jaclyn Katz | September 5Apparently Abraham Lincoln needs to revise the Gettysburg Address. It says America is a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." It won't take him long to update it. Just insert "corporations" where "people" once was. Over two years ago, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, ...
Fuerbacher '14: R.I.'s status quo: Kill business, long live decay
By Elizabeth Fuerbacher | September 5Literally translated, the "status quo" means "the state in which." It is a phrase we encounter in our everyday activities as we listen to the news, discuss politics and bemoan the economy. Simply put, the status quo is a snapshot of how life is at this very moment. Right now, I would like to invite ...
Johnson'14: The extinction of the moderate
By Garret Johnson | September 4While most coverage of the 2012 election focuses on Barack "You Didn't Build That" Obama and Mitt "Corporations Are People, Too" Romney, there is a monumental story that is getting almost zero media attention: the extinction of the moderate politician.
Hudson '14: Abolish the lecture
By Oliver Hudson | September 4A lecture is a great way to acquire knowledge and a poor way to receive an education. A lecture transmits information to students - a line from "Hamlet," the properties of the mitochondrion or Newton's second law, for instance. But education has a different goal. Education is not about the absorption ...
Husted '13: A modest proposal
By Lucas Husted | September 3It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great school or travel through Providence, when they see the streets, the roads and cabin doors, crowded with freshmen, followed by three, four or six additional freshmen, all in new clothes and importuning every passenger for directions to Wriston. ...
Moffat '13: United we stand, divided we fall
By Jared Moffat | September 3More tribal than ever, the mainstream political scene recently has devolved into utter superficiality. Pundits, politicians and their SuperPACs, increasingly rely on finger-pointing, identifying "the other" as the cause of America's economic, cultural and political problems. Hatred and fear seem to ...
Schleimer '12: The myth of giving back
By Lauren Schleimer | April 25For many students at Brown, it seems as though the world beyond College Hill is just waiting for us to change it - and this attitude is fantastic. The passion and sheer optimism that many students display for good causes merit appreciation. Whether it's bringing clean water to the slums of Mumbai, mentoring ...
McGoldrick '12: Feeling the brain drain
By Rebecca E. McGoldrick | April 25The graduation frenzy is palpable at Brown. Exams are impending. Senior dinners are happening. Families are visiting. Four years of hard work are finally culminating in this grand achievement: a degree from Brown University. We're entering a new phase of life in which our decisions are entirely our ...
Moffat '13: Fighting the good fight
By Jared Moffat | April 24May 1 is May Day, International Workers' Day. You might already know that there will be a march next Tuesday in Providence as well as a teach-in here at Brown this Friday in solidarity with workers, immigrants and the 99 percent. I hope to see an encouraging turnout, but realistically I expect that ...
Enzerink GS: The Big Bear and the Little Bear
By Suzanne Enzerink | April 23With only a few weeks left before Commencement, it is time to review the year - what went well and what can be improved. This year has brought a lot of excitement and enrichment, both academically and socially. As Ruth Simmons said in her opening speech for this academic year, at Brown everyone is a ...
Karshenboym '12: Being the busiest
By Sam Karshenboym | April 23My many words of praise for Brown as a tour guide in the past three years have not been false or even exaggerated. When camera-toting parents ask about the sense of community on campus, I always remark that students are collaborative, willing to help each other and not competitive. Truly, Brown students ...
Tobias '12: Too busy to care?
By Ethan Tobias | April 22There has been a lot of discussion recently about the apparent lack of activism at Brown. Helen McDonald '14 accused the University of not caring about racism ("Who cares about Trayvon Martin?" April 12) in trying to explain the apparent lack of rallies and meetings in response to the killing of Trayvon ...
Anders '14: Why social entrepreneurship matters
By Brett Anders | April 22The idea and practice of social entrepreneurship are becoming increasingly popular, affecting sectors from finance to farming, including nonprofits, for-profits and everything in between. In early April, Ian Eppler '13 argued that "it is high time for us to retire social entrepreneurship from our lexicon" ...