Letter: Eng'n school still committed to civil engineering
By Brown Daily Herald | October 15
Last week, the editorial page board struck once more. Having shown the lazy, spoiled high school teachers of Chicago what's what, the board turned its attention closer to home. Rhode Island educators, this must be your lucky day. Brown students, forever cognizant of the "financial and social worth of ...
Assistant Professor Adrienne Pine '94 had a problem. The American University professor woke up the morning of Aug. 28 ready to teach her class, "Sex, Gender and Culture" - only to discover her infant daughter had a fever. Pine felt she had no viable childcare options as a single parent. So she brought ...
To the Editor: As communications chair for the Undergraduate Council of Students, I want to respond to the letter to the editor by Therice Morris '13 with a clarification ("UCS invite cheapened by Facebook request," Oct. 12). Yes, we decided that part of the selection would be based on whether or not ...
As a Brown student, you may have spent a summer or two working as an unpaid or underpaid intern. Maybe you are interested in public service and staffed your local representative's office, or maybe you volunteered in a foreign country. Or perhaps you are a science concentrator and received a small stipend ...
Aristotle maintains that we humans are special. That is, we aren't here on earth just to be, we are here to live a good life. We are meant to be happy. The New York Times published an op-ed Sept. 28 by Richard Easterlin entitled "When Growth Outpaces Happiness." It discussed an unsettling finding - ...
I recently Google-searched "Eating Disorders at Brown University," for an essay for one of my classes. I expected a multitude of clubs, petitions, and campaigns - in typical Brown fashion.
It was just decades ago that science fiction envisioned a future in which people communicated through video. It pictured a world in which despite being on opposite sides of the world, people could interact face-to-face in real time, be it to share complex ideas or just have a conversation.
It's understandable why Brown would want to participate in Coursera. The rhetoric surrounding Coursera and other massive open online courses - MOOCs - is certainly lofty. Advocates promise nothing less than the democratization of education, liberating the world's best educators and thinkers from the ...
Eppler '13 seems to be surprised by the prospect of people wanting a university education, even if plenty of knowledge is readily available in books. Unfortunately, simply reading a book is not the key to acquiring knowledge. That is why we have classes - to provide discipline and guidance in learning ...
White guilt: the assurance that your fair skin color pegs you as prejudiced.
The version of the column entitled "The problem with a 'bipartisan' education" that appeared in Wednesday's Herald was published without the author's approval. The version published was based on a rough draft the author had composed that found its way into the paper due to an editing error. The correct ...
Down the street from each other in Jerusalem lived two families, both named Harel, both with sons named Yuval. Though both Yuvals were the same age, their families didn't know each other, and as a result they didn't know that both were fighting with the Israeli Defense Forces in the 1982 Lebanon War. ...
For a student body that considers itself the coolest in the Ivy League, we sure have a warped idea of what is "cool." Ever since we can remember, Brown students have been head-butting, karate chopping, punching or finding some other way to break the exit signs that hang in dorms around campus. It's ...
Note: This column is a revised version of the original column, which was published by mistake. The Herald regrets the error.