Tennis '14: Is money a form of free speech?
By Brown Daily Herald | November 29Economics 101: Money is an object with value. Larger amounts of money have a higher value. When people spend money, they wield purchasing power. In politics, when contributors give money to campaigns, they gain clout - directly or indirectly - over the policy platform of the politician or party that ...
Editorial: Joining the Choom Gang
By Brown Daily Herald | November 28On Election Day, both Colorado and Washington voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use - a giant leap for the legalization movement and a step toward slowing down the skyrocketing incarceration rates in the United States. This is the first time that marijuana usage for non-medical reasons has ...
Hauptman '14.5: Actual universal suffrage: Give felons the franchise
By Megan Hauptman | November 28In the months before the election, a swath of criticism arose in response to voter identification laws that would disproportionately restrict low-income and minority citizens from voting. In reading the tirades against these restrictions, which were seen as being enacted primarily in swing states to ...
Corvese '15: Saving face
By Gabriella Corvese | November 28In their post-Election Day release, Bloomberg Businessweek attempted to envision the United States four years from now with a shocking image: President Obama's face edited to make him appear aged. His hair is gray and his wrinkles are defined. His expression is not valiant, but rather it is that of ...
Lattanzi-Silveus '14: The monopolization of economics
By Luke Lattanzi-Silveus | November 27Economics as it is taught today makes for a very odd social science. In political science, international relations and sociology one studies many different schools of thought. Economics is unique among the social sciences in that it has only one theoretical framework, only one way of understanding how ...
BIRC and BSJP: The real unsavory alliance
By Brown Immigrants rights Coalition | November 26Last month, Zach Ingber '15 criticized the collaboration between two student groups on campus over an Immigration Week "fence" installation ("An unsavory alliance," Oct. 31). Ingber argued that the alliance between Brown Immigrant Rights Coalition and Brown Students for Justice in Palestine was detrimental ...
Drechsler '15: Think of the children!
By Alex Drechser | November 26When New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie teamed up with President Obama to manage the crisis wrought by Superstorm Sandy on New Jersey's shoreline, it was heralded as a prime example of bipartisanship. Indeed, it seems "bipartisanship" has become the buzzword of the day, associated with a pragmatic and commendable ...
Editorial: Adidas the awful
By Brown Daily Herald | November 24There's a new social movement on campus, and it's not KONY 2012. The Brown Student Labor Alliance has been applying pressure on University officials to cut their contract with Adidas, circulating a petition that has garnered 380 signatures. This protest comes in the wake of the closure of PT Kizone, ...
Carty '15: Men, manliness and manumission
By Kevin Carty | November 24For centuries and millennia of American and world history, women were commanded by constructs of patriarchy and concepts of femininity that were as oppressive as they were built on bullshit. In the 19th century, the tide began to turn as feminists asserted the belief, long held, that the content of ...
Brundage '15: Brown's bigger elitist problem
By Matt Brundage | November 24Earlier this month, Adam Asher '15 suggested that a sign on Pembroke campus addressed to construction workers is indicative of our condescending attitude toward the working class and that this is a big part of Brown's elitist problem ("Brown's elitist problem," Nov. 7). Among other rules, the sign states: ...
Rosenbloom '13: In defense of affirmative action
By Oliver Rosenbloom | November 17Independently of the legal issues at stake in the Supreme Court's affirmative action case, we must examine the benefits that Brown gains from race-based affirmative action. Brown is a private university, and so it will always have more freedom to implement race-based admissions policies than do public ...
Hudson '14: To my outraged readers
By Oliver Hudson | November 17Last week, I wrote a column about universal suffrage that provoked campus-wide outrage ("Universal suffrage is immoral," Nov. 13). I have not read enough of the comments to determine if more people believe I am Mussolini or Stalin - Hitler was thrown in a few times for good measure. Some responses from ...
Editorial: What we're thankful for
By Brown Daily Herald | November 17Soy milk, Christina Paxson's scarf, Providence weather, watermelon outfits, Washington Post Social Reader, kickball triumphs, lacrosse players, priority inboxes, bound volumes, SSWs, Dr. Seuss, salmon, 195 Angell, not getting evicted, raincoats and the 99-cent store (bye Tedeschi). Copy editors, kerning, ...