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The Setonian
University News

Lagos discusses recession impact on South America

Though its end is nowhere in sight, the current recession could lead to an increasingly globalized world in which developed and developing states will be more inclined to coordinate their economic decisions and policies, former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos Escobar told nearly 50 students, faculty ...

The Setonian
University News

Health is a global right, says Kim '82

Physician and public health leader Jim Yong Kim '82 discussed global health's future — and his own as the recently elected president of Dartmouth — in Andrews Dining Hall Tuesday afternoon, stressing the importance of broad-based health solutions over tackling diseases one-by-one.

The Setonian
University News

Q & A with Bill Russell

Legendary Boston Celtics center Bill Russell spoke in Salomon 101 yesterday about the media's role in sports. Before the symposium, he sat down with The Herald to answer questions about President Obama, his relationship with Boston and championship rings.

The Setonian
University News

BUCC meeting details tight budget

Providing a glimpse at preliminary planning for the University's fiscal year 2011 budget, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Beppie Huidekoper emphasized to the Brown University Community Council Tuesday that budget cuts will loom large for planners well into next year.

The Setonian
University News

Sophomore cooks up cake, business

In high school, her classmates' parents hired her to make cakes — but it wasn't until last semester that Kelly Schryver '11 created TillieCakes, her own cake-baking company. "Kids on campus cannot get custom cakes from scratch very easily," Schryver said. "Either you go to Coldstone's or trek ...

The Setonian
University News

Student-designed toys help kids with motor disorders

Ask a child if he would rather do physical therapy or play with a remote control car and the answer will be obvious. But now researchers at Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design have designed a way for him to do both, by creating toys specially developed for children with neuromuscular diseases. ...

The Setonian

Budget proposal unsigned by Carcieri

Governor Donald Carcieri '65 announced last week he would neither sign nor veto the Rhode Island legislature's budget-balancing proposal, passed two weeks ago by both houses. Without his signature, the $7.2 billion plan became law last week.

The Setonian
University News

Columbus change spurs response

The faculty's decision last week to rename Columbus Day "Fall Weekend" on the University calendar has garnered more attention both locally and nationally than the average code revision, with Providence mayor David Cicilline '83 and Rush Limbaugh, the high-profile conservative pundit, among those decrying ...

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