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The Setonian
University News

Woman struck by vehicle near Thayer Street

An unidentified woman walking with a Brown student was struck by a vehicle at the intersection of Thayer and Waterman Streets around 8 p.m. Friday. The Department of Public Safety arrived at the scene within “three to five minutes,” said Natasha Nguyen ’15, who witnessed the accident. The Providence ...

The Setonian
University News

Lawsuit to seek details of alum death

The parents of Ryan Sims ’11 have filed a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, seeking surveillance footage that could reveal further details about the 23 year old’s death last December, according to a March 14 article in the New York Daily News. Sims’ parents hope to use ...

The Setonian
University News

Health for homeless addressed in teach-in

Homeless individuals in Rhode Island who have used emergency medical services feel they were treated like “non-persons” by medical staff, according to a 2010 survey conducted by the Rhode Island Homeless Advocacy Project. Members of student group Rhode Island Medical Advocacy Project, two members ...

University News

Website catalyzes friend finding

Inperson, a recently launched student website, is giving new meaning to talking to strangers. The site,, facilitates conversations between students who may otherwise never meet, said Evan Schwartz ’13, its developer. Using the site is fairly simple — interested students can ...

The Setonian
University News

Wage changes unlikely to affect financial aid

President Obama’s proposal to increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 per hour is unlikely to affect either student employment in college or financial aid packages, Brown administrators and professors told The Herald. “If federal minimum wage goes to $9, that would have no impact on Brown student ...

The Setonian
University News

U. may boost aid for employees’ children

Just over 400 children of University employees currently receive benefits from the Tuition Aid Program, including 57 TAP recipients who attend Brown, said Harold Roth, professor of religious studies and member of the Faculty Executive Committee. The program provides financial aid to University employees’ ...

The Setonian
University News

Teach-in focuses on racial slavery

“Why were people so mean to other people?” Corey D. B. Walker recalled his young daughter asking upon learning about the racial injustice of slavery. In “Racial Slavery and Its Reverberations,” the second of four teach-ins that the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice has organized, ...

The Setonian

R.I. Senate considers bill to assist homeless veterans

State Sen. Juan Pichardo, D-Providence, recently introduced a joint resolution — which has the legal standing of a normal bill — that would allocate $1.75 million to build homes for veterans. The money would fund up to 69 units, which would house about half of the state’s homeless veterans.  Though ...

The Setonian
University News

UCS endorses Divest Coal resolution

The Undergraduate Council of Students voted to support the Brown Divest Coal campaign’s resolution calling for the University to divest from the 15 “filthiest” coal technology companies at its general body meeting Wednesday. Council members said they supported the resolution because of its ideological, ...

The Setonian
University News

Grad school vies for increased funding

Administrators and faculty members have expressed concern about what they called the small share of University funds allocated to the grad school, a subject currently being discussed by members of the Committee on Doctoral Education. Faculty members criticized the level of funds the graduate school ...

The Setonian

Bill looks to crack down on gun owners

A bill introduced in the R. I. House of Representatives Feb. 14 would require the state’s gun owners register their firearms with a state licensing authority and pay a $100 registration fee per gun. Gun owners who fail to register their firearms could face up to three years in prison or a $3,000 ...

The Setonian

Providence wins philanthropy challenge

Providence won the $5 million grand prize in the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge yesterday, according to a press release from Mayor Angel Taveras’ office. The contest­ — sponsored by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s charitable organization — called for submissions of inventive ideas ...

The Setonian

Spotlight on the Statehouse: March 14, 2013

Kelsey Smith The House Corporations Committee held a hearing Wednesday on the Kelsey Smith Act, a piece of legislation that would require telecommunications companies provide law enforcement officials information about the location of an individual who has been abducted if calls placed to or from the ...

The Setonian
University News

Poet examines sexism, transphobia in talk

“If one more person tells me that ‘all gender is performance,’ I think I am going to strangle them,” proclaimed Julia Serano, author and spoken word performer, in the opening of her spoken word piece “Performance Piece.” The piece was one of two Serano performed after her lecture about ...

The Setonian
University News

Janus to cosponsor gun violence forums with Paxson

The Political Theory Project will co-sponsor a three-part Janus Forum Lecture miniseries with the Office of the President starting this Thursday entitled “Guns in America” to address gun culture, gun violence and the question of gun ownership based on mental health. “Guns in America” differs ...

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