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The Setonian

Editorial: Something to believe in

Religion continues to ignite debate on campus, a trend made clear by the recent election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio to the Papacy. Facebook News Feeds exploded with comments, pictures and links about the new Pope, activity akin to the hoopla that surrounds events like the Presidential election. Our ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Disconcerting venue

In its interim report released Jan. 25, the Committee on Reimagining the Brown Campus and Community suggested that the University build a proper concert hall in the Jewelry District. While this plan has merit, considering that Brown is the only Ivy League institution without a concert venue, the recommendation ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Registering the armed

Hundreds of gun rights supporters gathered at the Rhode Island State House Feb. 28 to protest proposed legislation that would add firearm registration to Rhode Island’s comprehensive gun control laws. Under House Bill 5573, introduced Feb. 14 by Rep. Linda Finn, D-Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Fulfilling institutional responsibility

The California State Senate introduced a bill last Wednesday that would force its state institutions to give credit for online courses from outside the universities. This legislation is attempting to fix a chronic flaw of the University of California system, where courses are over-enrolled and students ...

The Setonian

Editorial: What is college really worth?

The future of higher education, specifically public and private universities, is currently engaged in an escalating tug-of-war that pits “constructivists” against “traditionalists.” The former, decrying the traditional college model of lectures, deadlines and the campus, have found support in ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Ban the box

Rep. Scott Slater, D-R.I., brought legislation to the General Assembly last week to expand Providence’s ban on having a criminal history box on job applications to a statewide level. The ban does not prohibit checking criminal records: Rather, it is intended to force employers to conduct their own ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Leading on the fence

Last week, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association Peter Shumlin officially invited Gov. Lincoln Chafee ’75 P’14 to become a member of the Democratic Party. With strong ties to both President Obama and other Democratic governors, Chafee may very well be inclined to change his affiliation, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Spirits for a patriotic spirit

Rhode Island House Bill 5603 proposes any person 18 years of age or older currently serving in the United States military may purchase and consume alcoholic beverages in the state. State representatives Thomas Winfield, D-Glocester, Smithfield, Raymond Hull, D-Providence and Raymond Gallison, D-Portsmouth, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Divest administrative irresponsibility

In recent months, Brown Divest Coal has been vocal with chants like “Brown take action, stop extraction!” ringing out across the Main Green. Since September, the group has persisted in protesting what it believed to be Brown’s investment in coal companies that contribute to unsafe environmental ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Who cares about calamari?

Last Thursday, Rep. Joseph M. McNamara, D-Warwick, Cranston, introduced a bill he said would promote “the good and wonderful things” about Rhode Island — by making fried calamari the state’s official appetizer. A move so lacking in substance is a distraction that will steal valuable time and ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Anonymity and responsibility

In a Herald opinion column entitled “Don’t Rape” published last week, Cara Newlon ’14.5 drew attention to the victim-blaming culture that surrounds sexual assault. Almost immediately, the comments section of the page was filled with reactions from posters such as “Brownie,” who wrote, “Maybe ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Cutting toward Bethlehem

In January, the nation veered from the so-called fiscal cliff. But this agreement was not a solution to the looming issues. The act merely pushed the large cuts to discretionary spending a few months later, ensuring that financial issues will remain in the forefront of our political battles and cable ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Don't take our word for it

As Zach Ingber ’15 argued in a Feb. 12 Herald opinions column, there is a deafening silence on Brown’s campus around the continued ravaging and slow dissolution of Syria. As of Feb. 13, over 70,000 had died in the conflict, according to estimates from the United Nations. Children are being whisked ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Stirring up the melting pot

The Daily Princetonian published an op-ed Feb. 20 decrying the existence of several departments at Princeton — namely American studies, African American studies and Latino studies. Calling these culture-specific departments “unnecessary” and “superfluous,” the op-ed advocated dissolving these ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Don’t put celebs on pedestal

Over the past months, notable role models and powerful leaders, built up into almost demigod statuses by the public, have been harshly dethroned by various allegations. This past week, celebrity South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius was arrested after being accused of murdering his girlfriend, Reeva ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Breaking the NECAP

There is no hiding that too many of Rhode Island’s high schools, especially those in the Providence School System, are persistently low-performing. In the latest chapter of Rhode Island’s educational crisis, the Rhode Island Department of Education will implement a policy, effective this year, to ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A room of our own

Last week, The Herald reported that plans by the Office of Residential Life for future housing allocation have been slightly changed. Specifically, Hegeman Hall and Slater Hall will remain designated for upperclassmen, while sophomores will live in Perkins Hall doubles previously slotted to become upperclassmen ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Going through changes

Last Wednesday, the University’s Health Services and insurance administrators announced that in coming years, the student insurance plan will cover sex reassignment procedures for transgender students. This progressive move, which places Brown among a small group of 36 pioneering schools to offer ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Let's talk about love

It’s fair to say many Brown students are involved in activism, whether through the Swearer Center for Public Service, advocacy groups, student political organizations or any other number of causes. In a 2011 Herald article on student activism, a faculty poll showed 57 percent of faculty members believe ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Fighting inflation, causing stagnation

Several economics professors have expressed plans to follow new grade distribution guidelines — part of an effort to combat grade inflation, The Herald reported Thursday.  In the recommended scheme, 30 percent of students in a class would receive As, 40 percent Bs, and 30 percent Cs. This would be ...

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