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The Setonian

Carty ’15: Brown and its hidden conservatism

Though we may be both a bastion and a stalwart of Progressive America, Brown and Brown students will always have their conservative moments, elements and attributes. That should be obvious, but what parts of us do reflect conservatism? That is far from obvious because two of our most Brunonian attributes, ...

The Setonian

Ingber '15: Constructive Irreverence

Seeing the inauguration of a new university president is thrilling. We are lucky our time at Brown overlaps with the end of one president’s tenure and the beginning of another’s. But it is not just the inauguration ceremony that intrigues me. Watching a new leader come into the Brown community and ...

The Setonian

Katz '14: Why we need pluses and minuses

The average college student currently studies for a scant 14 hours per week — significantly fewer than in 1961, when the average was 24 hours, according to research conducted by University of California Santa Barbara professor Philip Babcock and University of California Riverside professor Mindy Marks, ...

The Setonian

Tennis ’14: Waste no time banning automatic-style weapons

In the past year, close to 100 people died as the result of mass shootings. The sites of these killings included universities, high schools, movie theaters, malls, a Sikh temple, a soccer tournament and even a funeral home. Of these victims, 20 were elementary school students, gunned down as systematically ...

The Setonian

Dorris '15: Snap out of it

It started during spoken word and slam poetry readings. Then it spread to the occasional jazz club and improvisational performance. Now it even occurs during academic discussions. These days, before you see a good idea, you will probably hear it. I am talking about finger snapping — the act of snapping ...

The Setonian

Husted's Rebuttal

On second thought, I agree wholeheartedly with Jared. Brown would be a desolate nightmare without the beacon of hope that is the opinions section, but based on his points, I think the current situation is not tenable either. What we really need is for The Herald to get rid of all of its normal content ...

The Setonian

Husted '13: The Herald should not publish opinions

Why is it that at a school of 8,454, we find the need to publish two opinions a day? How many things happen here each day that are worthy of critical thought and analysis? Not many. How many times have you ever lost your way and needed the tender guidance of The Herald's opinions page to lead you true? ...

The Setonian

Moffat's Rebuttal

On second thought, I agree wholeheartedly with Lucas. The opinions page is a disgraceful blemish in an otherwise venerable newspaper. On the average day, a full eighth of The Herald is dedicated to nothing but Brown students complaining about something and sparking unnecessary feuds - I can see why ...

The Setonian

Moffat '13: The Herald should publish opinions

My opponent must secretly be a genocidal tyrant bent on the destruction of humankind. There's simply no other explanation. Supporting the dismantling of The Herald's opinions section is like advocating for the torture of infants or promoting cannibalism.

The Setonian

Zacks '15: Birthright: whose right?

In less than a month, I will be going home to Israel. I was considerably more excited about it before the latest assault on Gaza. Still, home is home, even if home is a colonialist, militarized occupation state. So I'm going. I'm flying with Turkish Airlines, the cheapest airline I could find. My ticket ...

The Setonian

Eppler '13: Suggestions for Swearer

The Swearer Center for Public Service is a great asset to Brown, Providence and Rhode Island. It operates dozens of programs around the state, providing service opportunities to hundreds of Brown undergraduates every year and serving thousands of Rhode Island residents. Its fellowship and grant offerings ...

The Setonian

Walsh '13: Let's Keep It Civil

I am sure many Facebook friendships were ruined this election season. Political rhetoric can be especially inflammatory and frustrating. When the stakes are high, as they are in politics, the allure of winning can trump the allure of learning, leading to fallacious arguments and nasty attacks. Some ...

The Setonian

Rosenthal '16: Doing our part for two states

Four years ago, many of us watched in horror as Israel began a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. Fast forward to these past few weeks, and violence has once again flared up in Gaza. Though the ceasefire brokered after a week of rockets and airstrikes has held, we are once again left with the question: ...

The Setonian

Gianotti '13: What makes a Brown student?

The Brunonian ethos is grounded in a sense of individuality. Our education both in and out of the classroom is very much our own prerogative. We choose our courses from a plethora of options, restricted by nothing except the occasional capped course. The same goes for the student activities and organizations ...

The Setonian

Drechsler '15: Is money a form of free speech?

Those who argue that the spending of money should not be protected as free speech often begin by highlighting the insane amount of money spent on campaigns and the constant bombardment of political ads on the airwaves of swing states. While I, as a New Yorker, am gladly free from such promotion, I cannot ...

The Setonian

Tennis' Rebuttal

Alex Drechsler '15 writes that limiting monetary donations in political campaigns contradicts American principles. But keeping campaigns open to donor funding violates principles of democracy and equal opportunity, and actually manipulates the First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

The Setonian

Drechsler's Rebuttal

Maggie Tennis '14 conflates two issues: that political donations are a form of free speech and that corporations have "personhood" and are protected by the Constitution. These do not necessarily coexist.

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