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The Setonian

Newlon '14.5: The F word

Two weeks ago, I was accused of being a feminist. I received the insult in response to a column I had written (“Don’t rape,” Feb. 25) in which I argued that our college campuses—and culture in general— needed to send a clearer message about sexual consent. I also contended that rape is, in ...

The Setonian

Madison ’16: What is the value of higher education?

Higher education is now widely accepted as an essential step to future success. But at what price can we justify the gain we get from this — at least — four-year experience? I recently watched an insightful and personally inspirational video on YouTube by a spoken word poet named Suli Breaks, entitled ...

The Setonian

Delaney '15: How about 0.5?

Should the University offer credit to musicians for lessons and chamber music participation at Brown? Should the University offer credit for VISA0100: “Studio Foundation,” VISA1110: “Drawing I” or VISA1510: “Photography I”? What about theater and dance classes? If so, why? And if not, why ...

The Setonian

Powers '15: Why believe in God?

“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.” This is the opening stanza of the Nicene Creed, which — from the time I learned to speak until when I first came to Brown — I recited at weekly Mass. Integral to Catholicism, this affirmation ...

The Setonian

Ingber '15: Don’t move engineering downtown

There is little to no chance that I will take an actual engineering class at Brown. In fact, I struggled as a sophomore to find Barus and Holley for my first ENGN 0090: “Management of Industrial and Nonprofit Organization” lecture last fall. Engineering as a whole is extremely foreign to me, and ...

The Setonian

Tennis '14: The illusion of need-blind admission

In its efforts to attract the best candidates among above-average high school students, Brown advertises its “need-blind” admission status. As a university, we are particularly proud of this aspect of our admission process, which seeks to ensure that the Admission Office considers applicants without ...

The Setonian

McCoy ’14: Red Sox can pick the right way to be awful

As any literary scholar will tell you, spring is the time of rebirth — frost gives way to green, buds give life to the trees and the lingering rays of the evening sun shed a feeling of hope over everyone emerging from their winter malaise. For optimists, this axiom rings true in the realm of baseball: ...

The Setonian

Dorman '16: The implications of Brown Confessions

On the night of Feb. 26, someone posted in Brown Confessions, “I’m suicidal, but I’m too much of a pussy to actually do it.” When I read this post I was terrified.  Immediately I questioned what I should do. Should I try to convince this person to identify him or herself?  Call Psychological ...

The Setonian

Asher '15: North Korea: our generation’s moment

In light of the country’s recent nuclear testing, it’s a safe bet we’ll be hearing about North Korea a fair amount in the coming months. It’s no secret that North Korea is an extremely oppressive place — one of the last strongholds of totalitarian communist government. Kim Jong-Un, like his ...

The Setonian

Enriquez '16: Killing Pablo

Hank Crumpton is someone who knows national security. Not only was he one of the top CIA agents in Afghanistan, but he was also the coordinator for counterterrorism. Recently, I went to see Crumpton speak about the issue that poses the biggest threat to our national security. I expected to hear a lot ...

The Setonian

Romero '14: Beyond righteous indignation

The Kappa Sigma fraternity at Duke University threw a Feb. 1 Asian-themed party called “Asia Prime,” in which the predominantly white frat brothers and their guests were invited to wear stereotypical Asian clothing to fit the party’s theme. When members of Duke’s Asian Students Association and ...

The Setonian

Moraff '14: Secret bad decisions

We heard the first of it February 2012. The Gate, said a line in The Herald, would be shuttered and a new dining facility opened in Andrews Dining Hall. It was a weird idea — after all, the Gate has been renovated recently, it’s not exactly jammed to capacity and in this age of rapidly rising tuition ...

The Setonian

Carty '15: Cynicism is easy, and so is naivete

Being naive is easy. Being cynical is easy. The trouble, the test of real engagement with the rest of the world, lies somewhere in between. By naivete, I mean that instinctual, overcredulous belief that others are almost always well-intentioned. When one of your moderate, optimistic friends cannot ...

The Setonian

Shaw '13: Down the deep rabbit hole of intergalactic competition

A few weeks ago, “His Airness” and “Sir Charles” reached new milestones in their careers. Michael Jordan proved he was still the best Michael on his own underachieving team, while Charles Barkley finally got his total cholesterol under 300. Oh, and they also both turned 50. “But with advances ...

The Setonian

Husted '13: Room and board: A part of the college experience

In a recent Herald opinion column (“Fuerbacher ’14: Room and board: You don’t get what you pay for,” Feb. 20), Elizabeth Fuerbacher ’14 questions the necessity of forcing students to live in dorms and pay for Brown dining. Specifically, she calls dorms and dining plans “overpriced propaganda ...

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