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The Setonian

Lonergan '72: A vision for Brown admissions

An alien arriving in Providence from a distant planet would marvel at the inefficiency of admissions processes at Brown. Nearly 29,000 people apply, about 3,000 get accepted and about 1,600 end up on campus. How people decide to apply, the process for acceptance and the student’s decision on accepting ...

The Setonian

Madison '16: Drop the beat ... and the ignorance

Music is the soundtrack to life, and it makes life more vibrant, more creative and more enjoyable. If music is perceived to be a part of our personalities, and if it can affect our moods, our actions and our interests, can it actually affect our perspectives? I believe that lyrics — and the values ...

The Setonian

Carrigg GS: History matters for Rhode Island education

Today, the people of Rhode Island find themselves in a simmering education debate, and this is nothing new. Throughout history, the Ocean State has had a rocky relationship with public education. But rarely is the long history of public education in Rhode Island taken into account when discussing the ...

The Setonian

Delaney '15: Really, ResLife?

Every year, Brown students are forced to go through one of the worst processes of their time here. Before I tell you what it is, think of a few possibilities. Was the housing assignment process one of them? If so, you agree with many people on campus. Despite what the Herald’s Editorial Page Board ...

The Setonian

Feldman '15: 'Redskins' have no place in the NFL

As another NFL football season began and the Washington Redskins opened up their season at home, a new year of controversy surrounds the nation’s capitol. More people than just Philadelphia Eagles fans rooted against Washington that night. Even people who have never seen a game of football are beginning ...

The Setonian

Sundlee '16: Let yourself look

The 2013 World Press Photo Contest is brimming with the dead and dying in Syria, oil-smeared corpses of soldiers in Sudan and murdered children in Palestine. Our first instinct is to recoil from these pictures, as if they disrespect the victims’ suffering. Some newspapers have expressed anxiety at ...

The Setonian

Montes '16: Thoughts from a scared sophomore

Coming into sophomore year, I expected to feel a bit of what everyone calls the sophomore slump. But I had no idea what this phrase actually meant. All I knew is that it would hit me hard and fast, a lot like the common cold or stomach flu. I also knew that it would pass, or at least I thought it would ...

The Setonian

Lonergan '72: How Brown can survive and thrive over next 250

Brown has made tremendous strides in the past 50 years, moving near the top of the Ivy League ranks in undergraduate and graduate education. Powered by the reforms of the 1969 Magaziner-Maxwell report, Brown chose a new direction, which has differentiated it from other top universities. I believe the ...

The Setonian

Sukin '16: Putin's propaganda

In an unprecedented move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has opted to reach out directly to the American public. The powerful Russian leader, forgoing traditional means of diplomacy, authored a column in the New York Times directly criticizing President Obama and America writ large regarding support ...

The Setonian

Isman '15: Why a summer internship isn't worth it

Every year it’s the same story. Midway through spring semester, we all start frantically visiting CareerLAB and applying for as many internships as we can. We dream big because we are told the bigger the name, the better it will look on our resumes. We hope to get internships at magazines, banks and ...

The Setonian

Upadhyay '15: The need for certainty

Why is it that thousands of Brown graduates are struggling to find jobs suited to their skills? It could be simply due to job-killing legislation, but perhaps there is more to the story. Lost in the debates over fiscal policy, monetary policy, health care policy and other legislation is an often ignored, ...

The Setonian

Powers '15: Philosophical and scientific explanation

Last semester, an online user by the name of “sowhere” commented on my article (“On Abortion,” Apr. 15) asking “Why this though? … There are pressing, real-world developments on this issue, and yet (The Herald) published an article which appears to be a personal though (sic) experiment.” ...

The Setonian

Steans-Gail '16: My intolerance isn't a fad

As someone with a gluten intolerance, I couldn’t help but take offense at some of the opinions expressed in Cara Dorris’ ’15 recent article, “Are you Gluten-Intolerant or Just Intolerable?” (Sept. 6). I never understood the concept of chronic pain before. The only pain I had ever experienced ...

The Setonian

Freitag '14: A big (expletive) deal

Discussion of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, draws strong opinions in favor and against. For college students, the law may seem like an unintelligible mess. But what does it really mean for the average twenty-something? Republicans will tell you Obamacare is a financial strain on ...

The Setonian

Tennis '14: Rape and the intoxicated victim

Campus rape has been in the news frequently in recent years. This rise in media attention is not because campus rape is anything new, but rather reflects a decline in the societal stigma that prevented coverage of the topic in the past. Sexual assault is and has been a part of campus culture for a long ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: The moon at 50

This month marks the 50th anniversary of an obscure milestone in the Cold War. On Sept. 20, 1963, in a speech to the United Nations, President John F. Kennedy P’83 proposed a joint lunar mission with the Soviet Union. The man who had ascended to his Camelot on the platform of the space race then suggested ...

The Setonian

Delaney '15: Advice I never got

Dear Class of 2017, Welcome to Brown University, land of the liberal and home to the Open Curriculum. I’m sure many people have congratulated you on your success thus far — you’ve earned it. You’re at an incredible institution filled with a concentration of creative and unique people you’ll ...

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