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The Setonian

Carrigg GS: What does Obamacare mean for Rhode Island?

The federal government is the third biggest employer in Rhode Island and employs about 11,581 people in the state. About 7,000 of these people have already been furloughed. The government shutdown will have an impact on Rhode Island, even now that employees are sure they will receive back pay. Given ...

The Setonian

Sundlee ’16: Minimizing drone casualties

Drones are here to stay. There is no going back, now that they have proven so tactically effective in foreign combat. The U.S. government estimates that 75 percent of al Qaeda leadership has been decimated by lethal aerial strikes in the last five years. Drones are now being built, tested and deployed ...

The Setonian

Lloyd: Freedom to choose is a right for Rhode Island parents

Personal choice is one of the hallmarks of a Brown undergraduate education. Our young scholars have the choice of following their own passions amid a wide selection of disciplines and potential experiences. This liberty is cherished by virtually every student who passes through the Van Wickle Gates. ...

The Setonian

Mirchandani '15: To read or not to read?

“To read or not to read?” is a question that has crossed almost every Brown student’s mind at some point. It’s 2 a.m., and he is sitting slumped in front of an entire week’s worth of reading due for a 9 a.m. class the next day, his eyes barely able to make it past page six without succumbing ...

The Setonian

Lonergan '72: What's the future for professors at Brown?

Brown’s faculty members face an immediate and pressing crisis. This column is largely directed at those of you teaching at Brown. Long protected by the cloak of a well-respected university with an endowment, tenure and a reputation as an Ivy League school, Brown’s professors are now facing a world ...

The Setonian

Mulligan GS: We are in this together

We have recently seen a number of quotes and editorials in The Herald representing our school’s unique “university-college” structure as the setting for a zero-sum match in which undergraduate and graduate students are pitted against one another in a fight for limited and shrinking resources. ...

The Setonian

Newlon '14: To Mr. Watters and the media...

Nudity in the Upspace — a week that attempts to “explore nudity in all its forms” — has received intense media scrutiny in the past week. Media outlets such as CBS, the Huffington Post, theBlaze and the notorious Jesse Watters, the “O’Reilly Factor” correspondent who infiltrated the Sex ...

The Setonian

Roundtable: Should the TWC have its name changed?

Enriquez '16: Earning the name Brown was founded by a family that accrued vast wealth by trading human beings. Directly and indirectly, the family killed thousands, uprooted tens of thousands and ruthlessly made money by doing so. Should we remove their surname and ruin our school’s identity? Absolutely ...

The Setonian

Firn ’16: Exit Sandman

As a kid growing up outside of Boston, I developed a love for the Red Sox equaled in intensity perhaps only by my hatred for the New York Yankees. Geography demanded that I dislike the Yankees from birth, but I got my first real taste of the rivalry when Aaron Boone hit a cruel walk-off home run versus ...

The Setonian

Khan '15: Brown’s double standard of inclusivity

If you ask students whether they think Brown is an inclusive university, most would probably respond positively. After all, Brown students have done an excellent job upholding the doctrines of religious and cultural inclusivity. The campus brims with vibrancy of cultural groups such as the South Asian ...

The Setonian

Sukin '16: Summer support in the strategic plan

For those of you who haven’t read President Christina Paxson’s strategic plan, you may not yet know about the new emphasis on summer support for undergraduates. This hidden gem is a policy designed to extend educational opportunities for students on financial aid beyond the months of September through ...

The Setonian

Freitag ’14: The brain drain

One of the essentials of a strong economy is a supply of highly educated workers. With excellent universities like the University of Rhode Island, Bryant University, Providence College and Brown, Rhode Island attracts a large number of out-of-state students. But the state’s inability to retain students ...

The Setonian

Brown Divest Coal: Yes to divest

You might have seen us on the Main Green or read about our campaign in The Herald last year, but Brown Divest Coal is back. And once again, we’re asking the University to divest from the “Filthy 15,” five mining and 10 utilities companies that have consistently proven to be the highest-polluting ...

The Setonian

Roth: Thoughts on the strategic plan

“Building on Distinction: A New Plan for Brown” is without a doubt a well-crafted document that presents a vision for taking Brown in a certain direction — one that is, at first glance, difficult to criticize. Who could find fault with such important goals as “Academic Excellence,” “Educational ...

The Setonian

Enriquez '16: The blind gun

“They shot my baby, my baby,” said the mother of 7-year-old Desirae Macias. That child is now brain-dead. Probably more than 80 years of life, joy, sadness, regret, love, hope, all erased by a gun in an angry man’s hand. At 92 years strong, Cornelius Swinton was shot as he drove his taxi. He ...

The Setonian

McCoy ’14: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

There are websites devoted to it, books written about it, ironic T-shirts depicting it and even a mainstream sitcom centered around it. Individuals young and old all over the country place bets on it, lose productivity over it and cry about it. Fantasy football has a stranglehold on football culture ...

The Setonian

Corvese '15: Stop talking about millennials

Someone older and wiser than us posts an article about what we delusional 20-somethings need to do to be successful. An angry and jobless 20-something responds with reasons why we don’t deserve the criticism. Our elders shout back once more about our entitlement and absurd desire to major in the humanities. Does ...

The Setonian

Newlon '14: Let's Teach for America

For years, Teach For America has been criticized as a vanity project of the elite: a highly selective two-year foray into teaching the underprivileged for Ivy League graduates right before they enter corporate lives of investment banking, lawyerdom or suburban parenthood. But the results are in: Teach ...

The Setonian

Ingber '15: Brown: The libertarian of the Ivy League

I am not a libertarian. While I may agree with libertarians on some issues, I certainly do not share their approach on foreign policy. I lean toward interventionism, and I admittedly tend to favor a hands-on government role when it comes to national security — sorry, Ben Franklin. With that said, ...

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