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The Setonian

Sukin '16: Fifty shades of gray-zone sex

A lot of sex happens in gray areas. That is, sex happens without the safety of a solid “yes.” Consent is a lot easier to determine when one partner asks directly for permission — and though that should always be encouraged,  in reality it does not always occur. As a result, it is important to ...

The Setonian

Powers '15: Legalize all drugs

In April, possession of small amounts of marijuana was decriminalized in Rhode Island. Some might wonder what motivated the state government to loosen restrictions on a substance that causes such apparent mental impairment. How could this possibly benefit the state? At the start of any given weekend ...

The Setonian

Tennis '14: Tuition assistance shows appreciation for faculty

Last year, I wrote a column about one benefit of being a Brown employee: child care (“Take care of day care,” Sept. 25, 2012). Specifically, I wrote about the lack of institutionally sponsored child care at Brown for University faculty and staff members with young children. My article was prompted ...

The Setonian

Isman '15: Rape: It’s not about what you wear

Over 17 million American women have been sexual assaulted, and 73 percent of those assaults were committed by someone the assailed knew. Yet AR Wear  has started a campaign for shorts to protect women from rape when they are “going out on a blind date, taking an evening run, ‘clubbing,’ traveling ...

The Setonian

Freitag '14: The broken mental health system

Mental health disorders remain one of the most widely stigmatized and misunderstood issues of our day. At Brown, nearly one in five students suffers from anxiety or depression. Brown provides official support through Psychological Services and other community groups, but whether the University provides ...

The Setonian

Feldman '15: A school without boundaries

There are many factors that limit where people are able to attend college: finances, location and academic programs all play major roles in choosing an appropriate college. Disabilities should not play a factor. Certain schools do not do well in accommodating people with physical disabilities. Unfortunately, ...

The Setonian

Hudson '14: Being independent

Success literature has largely remained unchanged for hundreds of years. From the New Testament to Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich,” pundits have called thrift, discipline and hard work the foundations of a good life. These values remain necessary for those seeking success today. But they ...

The Setonian

Upadhyay '15: An academic approach to free speech

As a student who transferred to Brown in the middle of my sophomore year, I’ve had the unique opportunity to compare my time here with that at another university. While I cannot really speak to the first-year experience in one of the 90 or so first-year seminars offered at Brown, my impression of ...

The Setonian

Ingber '15: UCS should stay focused on Brown

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is undoubtedly one of the most controversial Supreme Court decisions in recent memory. In a 5-4 decision, the court struck down limits on independent expenditures for corporations and labor unions as unconstitutional. The opinions penned by the court were ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: Oh, not that again

News has an expiration date. This has become painfully clear to me once again during the vigorous debate over the New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly lecture and protest. In the past few days, especially in reference to the thoughtful and elaborate response the authors of the Kelly debate wrote in ...

The Setonian

Enriquez '16: Tax to save

President Christina Paxson recently announced she was starting an Environmental Change Taskforce. Now, I am not sure if this taskforce will advocate for anything more than local measures like asking people to take shorter showers, shut their windows, turn down their radiators and not divest coal, but ...

The Setonian

Isman '15: A positive end: online monitoring in schools

There seem to be no secrets kept anymore. Whatever we want to know is on the Internet, from news to movies to who went to whose party and what they did there. The Internet has opened a new world of knowledge for us, but it has also made us easier targets and has altered our notion of privacy. People ...

The Setonian

McIlroy '11: Adapt or Die

The introduction to the 1969 Magaziner-Maxwell Report, the document that led to the New Curriculum, states in part: “Conversations and written materials about education are steeped in meaningless rhetoric, issues are only partly presented, not enough time is spent in considering basic questions, ...

The Setonian

Sukin '16: Time isn’t money

Which is more valuable, your time or your skills? This question lies at the crux of a debate that many universities and colleges engage in. Classes at most major institutions are based on the concept of credit hours: a weight of the value of the class in terms of the time spent in it. At some institutions, ...

The Setonian

Sundlee '16: Be proud

I love my country. I really, truly do. I never cease to be moved by the words in the Constitution and awed at the grandeur of Washington, D.C. I’m the weirdo you see outside the White House with my face pressed against the fence. Last summer, I cried at a 9/11 exhibit. Does this sound cliched or ...

The Setonian

Organizers and supporters of the demonstration against Ray Kelly: Standing for racial justice: A public statement

We are students who organized and supported the Oct. 29 demonstration against the University’s decision to provide a speaking platform to New York City Police Department Commissioner Raymond Kelly. We continue to stand by our actions and the anti-racist goals that motivated them. In view of the denunciations ...

The Setonian

Site '14: STEAM think: how we can save science education

As a child, I fell in love with science the first time I peered through a thin glass case at a Blue Morpho butterfly. Unabashedly iridescent and delicate, the butterfly shined in equal parts mystery and beauty. As I continued to explore as a teenager, science explained my visual world and provided a ...

The Setonian

Montes '16: A message to the literary arts department

At this time last year, I was a naive first-year and thought I would get a place in each of the classes in my Banner shopping cart. I figured that if something went wrong and I wasn’t able to register for a course, I would definitely be able to take it the following year. No problem. It was with ...

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