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The Setonian

Isman '15: Taking advantage of the social era

Most of us consider social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook our greatest sources of procrastination. In general, our professors request that we avoid perusing these websites in class so that we remain engaged with the material. At the same time, a new trend is emerging: Educators are asking their ...

The Setonian

Tennis '14: Provost search lacks student representation

Two weeks ago, two forums offered undergraduate and graduate students each the opportunity to participate in the University’s search for the person who will replace Provost Mark Schlissel P’15. I use the term “participate” cautiously, however. A closer examination indicates that the process ...

The Setonian

Rattner '15: The potential in binge watching

At 12:01 a.m. PST on Valentine’s Day, Netflix released the 13-episode second season of “House of Cards” in its entirety, part of its effort to accommodate viewers who prefer to “binge watch” rather than wait a week between episodes. The recent phenomenon of watching entire seasons in a weekend ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: When racism comes to campus

Last week, the University of Mississippi was rocked when unidentified individuals — allegedly three white first-years from Georgia, according to the latest reports — placed a noose around the neck of a statue of James Meredith, the university’s first black student after the Supreme Court mandated ...

The Setonian

Fuerbacher ’13.5: All I never wanted

Our admission packets to Brown bore several instructions: return the “I will attend” card, mail the deposit, set up our Banner accounts and finally, read a specific book that you will discuss with your fellow first-years upon matriculation. I don’t know about you, but I personally dreaded that ...

The Setonian

Sindhu MD'17: Show me the money!

The student-university relationship is inherently unequal. As students, to maximize our chances of success in an increasingly competitive global economy, we are dependent upon universities to educate us. However, with an unprecedented number of American students flocking to higher education, universities ...

The Setonian

Enriquez '16: An immigrant America

What if I told you there were only one thing you needed to do to own American politics for the next 50 years? The Pew Research Center estimates that at current rates of immigration, 19 percent of our residents will be foreign-born by 2050. Hispanics, many of whom constitute one of our dominant immigration ...

The Setonian

Newlon '14: Little senior lost

I’m a senior and I already regret everything I ever studied at college. “A history major, eh,” says my uncle. We’re at a family event over winter break, and I’m getting quizzed on my future. “Sounds like a recipe for law school to me.” I gulp and start to chew on a loose strand of my ...

The Setonian

Feldman '15: Out and open on America’s biggest stage

The National Football League has entered a new era — one that will feature an openly gay athlete. Michael Sam, the reigning Southeastern Conference defensive player of the year from the University of Missouri, recently came out to the public as gay. What makes this announcement momentous is the expectation ...

The Setonian

Sundlee '16: Choose your news wisely

Bees in the honey! No doorknobs! Undrinkable water! Horrors! The Twittersphere and other media outlets have been erupting lately with reports from journalists regarding the conditions in Sochi. Olympic commentary leading up to the opening ceremony was dominated by strident complaints of horrific and ...

The Setonian

Chesler '15: The social innovation lifestyle

Brown University was recently recognized by Ashoka U as one of 22 Changemaker Campuses for being a “leading institution in social innovation education.” But what is social innovation, and how is it relevant to us as students? Social innovation is the pursuit of transformative, innovative and sustainable ...

The Setonian

Drechsler '15: UCS categorization process is equitable

Last week, The Herald published an opinions column (“Abolish the UCS categorization system,” Feb. 14) criticizing the Undergraduate Council of Students’ categorization system. Zach Ingber ’15 argued that abolishing the UCS categorization system would improve extracurricular activities on campus. ...

The Setonian

Delaney '15: Salaries don’t reflect our priorities

Like many of my junior classmates here and across the country, I’ve been spending most of my time looking for a summer internship. Because I’m applying for internships this semester, I feel like I’m taking seven classes instead of four, and I know many of my peers feel similarly. One of the greatest ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: Rejecting deficit-obsessed groupthink

Last week, the Herald editorial page board released a call for greater efficiency in spending, both at Brown and in Washington (“Editorial: National, campus financial models are unsustainable,” Feb. 12). I agree with the board’s call for less “lavish spending” at Brown. It is hard to enter ...

The Setonian

Ingber '15: Abolish the UCS categorization system

One of the most amazing things about Brown is the passion and energy students dedicate to extracurricular activities. Brown students use their time to achieve unbelievable heights outside the classroom. From giving back to Providence to launching technology startups to getting involved in political ...

The Setonian

Powers '15: Principles of American ethics

A few weeks ago, President Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address, in which he urged Congress to raise the national minimum wage to $10.10. This proposal was quickly derided by the American right as another socialist attempt to redistribute wealth. Practically speaking, I understand ...

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