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The Setonian

Mills ’15: Another breed of diversity

Last year, the Undergraduate Council of Students passed a resolution calling for an increase in the proportion of faculty of color at the University, particularly in the science, technology, engineering and math fields. There are many kinds of diversity, and I would never want to overshadow or disregard ...

The Setonian

Willig '16: Heated rhetoric doesn’t stop climate change

Last week’s opinions column by David Katzevich ’16 (“Climate change: End capitalism or end the world,” Oct. 10) regarding the irreconcilable differences between capitalism and ending climate change deserves attention, as it places two incredibly broad topics against each other — and fails ...

The Setonian

Isman ’15: Unfair recruiting

Three weeks ago, I went to my first career fair. I walked around a bit, and though I talked to some representatives, I left mostly disappointed. Out of the over 90 companies that came to the fair, I had three successful and helpful interactions. At first, I thought that maybe I wasn’t looking closely ...

The Setonian

Ingber ’15: The value of President Simmons’ voice

The Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice is bursting onto the scene this semester, organizing various educational events and programs that have already reached wide audiences on campus. In coordination with the University’s 250th celebration, the center has shed light on important themes surrounding ...

The Setonian

Al-Salem ’17: Why are we scared of dating?

I started off freshman year with a loud declaration to the world that I was not going to fall for the first cute boy who smiled my way. I mean, my goodness, I was here for education! To strive to become a well-rounded human being! To gain experience for the real world! How could I have time for boys ...

The Setonian

Bai ’16: North Korea needs relief, just not through comedy

I had originally finished the final sentence of this column last Tuesday. Because I consider completion of any kind a cause for celebration, I decided to shirk an assignment deadline and attend “Sounds of Music from North Korea: A Concert with Professor Cheol Woong Kim,” an event sponsored by the ...

The Setonian

Cohan ’17: D.C. sports: A history of frustration

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. Remember when the Washington Capitals were the hot up-and-comers in the NHL? Remember when Ovechkin, Semin, Green and Backstrom were all under 25? Remember when they won the Presidents’ Trophy? Remember when it felt like ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: Amazon’s banned books

Every last week of September, the American Library Association organizes Banned Books Week. This celebration of the freedom to read calls attention to the restrictions that schools, municipalities and even state governments have placed on certain books over the years. Actual banning has become unusual, ...

The Setonian

Hillestad ’15: Mars or bust

A manned mission to Mars is the next major step in human achievement, and according to current estimates, NASA should be able to accomplish the feat by the mid-2030s. But given the constant, crippling budget cuts that NASA faces, that estimate may be little more than wishful thinking. If we want to ...


Sweren ’15: Cross-registration, one-sided

Imagine a school called FRISB with a long-standing relationship with another school called Frown — dating to, say, 1902. And say FRISB offers courses in something Frown has never taught — say, astrophysics. Would Frown limit the number of courses its students could take at FRISB? Or would Frown ...

The Setonian

Schwartz ’15: A man’s right to choose

Let me begin by saying this is not a column about abortion. I am writing this column with the understanding that the highest court in the land has granted women the right to choose and that that right should be respected. The decision to become a parent should be just that — a decision, and not a ...

The Setonian

Mills ’15: Being honest about the Islamic State

A recent Herald column by David Katzevich ’16 claims that the Islamic State was essentially an American creation. This assertion is patently false and also dangerous. Blaming all the world’s troubles on the United States and then using those arguments as a basis for isolationist policy is a terrible ...

The Setonian

Miller: Two cheers for academic freedom at Brown

Brown is talking about Ray Kelly again, but let’s be honest. The conversation isn’t about Kelly. It’s about Brown and academic freedom. Those last two words refer to many things, but at Brown, they include the right of any group, faculty or student, to invite a speaker of its choice to campus. That ...

The Setonian

Feldman ’15: The gatekeepers of health

Certain parts of life are often taken for granted. People do not think about their ability to breathe unless they are having difficulty doing so. One doesn’t consider the difficulty of walking up a flight of steps until he or she sprains an ankle and it hurts too much to support any weight. It is ...

The Setonian

Kenyon GS: The secession scare

Now that the votes have been tallied and the world relieved of the Scottish suspense of Sept. 18, the wait begins for the results of that “secession scare.” While the “yes” camp sits in disappointment, questioning its fruitless campaign, those in the “no” camp must now work to ensure that ...

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