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The Setonian

Kenyon GS: Is this goodbye, Dr. Huxtable?

We all carry the memory of special people in our soul. We grow with these individuals, age with them. As we develop our own senses, we watch what were once the mighty oaks of our childhood dwindle and dwarf before us. It is far too often that our rosy memories of these titans of our youth transform ...

The Setonian

Mills ’15: The NFL’s troubled roots

We’ve all seen the recent spate of NFL scandals: Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Ray MacDonald and others. The National Football League is facing a behavior crisis large enough to merit an internal review and repeated apologies from the league commissioner, Roger Goodell. It’s clear that the NFL needs ...

The Setonian

Cohan ’17: ‘Transparent’: the best show not on television

“I thank you heavenly father for this food, this great day, these lovely people, in Jesus’s name we pray.” “Oy gevalt.” Let’s start here: “Transparent” is very funny. “Transparent” is a half-hour show about a Jewish family in Los Angeles, but to call it a sitcom would be a horrendous ...


Shin ’17: Women, their rights and nothing less

Environment influences one’s thinking and experience. Experiences shape one’s identity. Society dictates certain ideals and expectations for each gender. And expectations and stereotypes confine us to set frames. Hence the idea of gender roles and “masculinity” are illusions fostered and intensified ...


Sweren ’15: The reverse art heist

These days, I’m not surprised when someone gets away with stealing millions of dollars of art. Just the other day, three men posing as volunteers walked out of a gallery in London with thousands of dollars tucked beneath their arms. Some incidents have fairy-tale endings in which the work and the ...

The Setonian

Tennis ’14.5: Where is the provost?

As Brown’s provost, Mark Schlissel P’15 was arrogant and dismissive — but at least he was upfront about it. Meanwhile, our new provost is nowhere to be found. The provost is Brown’s chief academic officer, responsible for all academic and budgetary affairs of the University. Notably, she chairs ...

The Setonian

Sundlee ’16: Cultures of hatred

Indonesian female police recruits are being forced to undergo virginity tests, the Guardian reported Tuesday. Not only is this process humiliating, it also leaves these women in pain. This is yet another example of gendered violence based on cultural values. Indonesian culture is patriarchal and prizes ...

The Setonian

Isman ’15: BrownConnect — encouraging exploration

Simply finding an internship is hard. What do you do if you don’t even know where to start looking or who to ask? Now imagine finding and even obtaining an internship you really like but not being able to take it because the pay is too low. The University’s recently debuted BrownConnect service ...

The Setonian

Hillestad ’15: Why Brown Hookups feels wrong

I wasn’t the only one excited when Brown Hookups burst onto the scene. It seemed very “Brown” — countercultural, sexually liberating and forward-looking. My curiosity was piqued. Like many of my peers, I quickly friended Brown Hookups on Facebook, eagerly awaiting where this new development ...

The Setonian

Al-Salem ’17: Debunking the international stigma

As someone who has to travel 26 hours to go home, I have experience as an “international student” at Brown. While I definitely do not speak for the international community here, it’s time someone addressed the stereotype on campus that international students are exclusive, elitist and “rich.” These ...

The Setonian

Rotenberg ’17: 51 shades of gray

The fallout from the ill-conceived, poorly construed and seemingly never-ending “war on terror” has been decisive. Americans now hold an aversion to large-scale ground troop intervention, especially in the Middle East. According to a recent CNN poll, less than 40 percent of Americans favor sending ...

The Setonian

Bai ’16: Another reason to discredit trickle-down

What happens when people in lower income brackets find themselves aggressively courted by the corporate elite while simultaneously being dismissed by that very elite’s political representation? The nation’s poor finds itself in a dichotomous predicament as both a target consumer and the target of ...

The Setonian

Corvese ’15: A tale of two Thayers

Our freshman eyes were gleeful and wide when we first set foot upon Thayer Street. Its collection of diverse eateries, gaudy trinket shops and secondhand clothing stores solidified our image of Brown as the hip and trendy Ivy. Though we lacked a picturesque rural campus spanning hills and valleys, we ...

The Setonian

Kenyon GS: Election Day’s true winners

While the Republican Party declared a blow-out victory on election night, a particular enclave within the party watched as its political allowance quickly accumulated: Southern Republicans. This election cycle stood as a win for the Republicans to hold the congressional megaphone once again, providing ...

The Setonian

Ingber ’15: A call for independent student advocates

Brown’s resources are vast. From academic tutoring to centers for exploring ethnic and religious identity, students on campus have a multitude of doors to walk through for guidance. As a Meiklejohn peer adviser, I have learned a great deal about where students should seek help. But almost all of ...

The Setonian

Blake ’17: Death with dignity: The final frontier

On Nov. 1, a terminally ill glioblastoma brain cancer patient took her own life. That patient’s name was Brittany Maynard. At the age of 29, she chose to end her life using drugs legally provided to her by a physician in her home state of Oregon. And with her passing, the debate surrounding assisted ...

The Setonian

Aluthge ’15: Lies, damned lies and bad statistics

Women are three times more likely to wear red or pink when ovulating. Men with greater upper body strength are more likely to be fiscally conservative. And Republicans have “significantly different brain structure” compared to Democrats. All three of these statements are fairly bold, provocative ...

The Setonian

Mills ’15: A crisis of containers

Mason jars. I know you’ve seen them used as cups at parties, in dorm rooms and in campus kitchens. Or perhaps you’ve seen them starring in your Instagram feed. They’ve become a ubiquitous accessory for anyone trying to buck the mainstream. There is much less of a chance you’ve seen them where ...

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