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The Setonian

Powers '15: Condemn abuse, not pedophiles

At Brown, you can find students eagerly discussing the nuances of nearly any topic. Whether it’s Palestine, alcohol policy or the environment, it seems every student on campus always has an opinion to share. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, this is not the case when it comes to an issue as grave as ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: Revising First Readings

On Feb. 6, Maud Mandel, dean of the College, emailed members of the Brown community with the final choices for this year’s First Readings program, launched in 2007. I have heard peers discuss the four options and debate their merits, notably hailing Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow.” Many ...

The Setonian

Khleif '15: It’s cold outside, and not just for students

Last Thursday I was leading a tour group of shivering students and their parents throughout our campus. After four 15-minute rounds in below freezing temperatures, it took all of the professionalism in me not to jog the last route. The nearly frozen prospectives and I were counting down the minutes ...

The Setonian

Feldman '15: Speaking up to succeed

As a science concentrator at Brown, it is extremely possible to avoid the open curriculum. The open curriculum is designed to allow students to pursue their passions, whether those passions lie in several disciplines or in a single one. Nowhere in my concentration requirements was I forced to learn ...

The Setonian

Makhlouf '16: Miscalculated arrogance

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak to Congress Tuesday, March 3, in an event unprecedented in U.S. history. Never before has the Speaker of the House invited a foreign diplomat to instruct the bicameral legislature on its own foreign policy measures. When Netanyahu speaks, he will ...


Sweren '15: For sale: the Bannister House

It’s hard to know a first for anything. When he started loving poetry; when he first saw a boat; when he started scribbling on surfaces; or when, for the first time, he stayed up late at night so that those walking beneath his room could see the light from his tallow candle through the attic chamber ...

The Setonian

Rotenberg '17: Why I won’t miss Jon Stewart

Since Jon Stewart announced his departure from the legendary “The Daily Show,” media outlets around the world have showered him with praise. It’s true that Stewart has had a substantive impact on the face of media and politics. Americans trust “The Daily Show,” a satirical outlet, more than ...

The Setonian

Mills '15: A bold step forward

Last year, CVS underwent some changes. In addition to changing its name to CVS Health, it stopped selling cigarettes in all of its nearly 8,000 stores nationwide. The company paired this with programming in its pharmacies and MinuteClinics designed to help customers actually quit. According to its website, ...

The Setonian

Sweren '15: Talking in turn

There have been a number of headlining slips of tongue in recent months, from Brian Williams’ mismemory turned into a flat-out lie to Justine Sacco’s AIDS joke morphed into a career-ending punch line. And then there have been more deliberate utterances made with the intent to remove the speech of ...

The Setonian

Asker ’17: Conclusions after the Chapel Hill shooting

After three Muslim students attending the University of North Carolina were shot dead in their apartment by a white, atheistic neighbor Feb. 11, many people across the nation and the world spoke out against the egregious murders. They expressed support for the friends and families of the victims and ...

The Setonian
Science & Research

Suglia '15: For the sake of science

Last summer, I spent my days knee-deep in mud, traipsing around doggedly through the marsh. Here I am with a lovely pair of Sesarma reticulata, or purple marsh crabs. They probably would have pried off a good chunk of my nose if I had let them get any closer to my face. Incidentally, if left to their ...

The Setonian

Isman '15: Why a winter term won’t stick

On Friday, we received an email from Provost Vicki Colvin about the formation of a Winter Term Working Group tasked with examining the possibility of implementing a new winter term. While Wintersession has worked well at the Rhode Island School of Design, Brown would not benefit from a winter term. ...

The Setonian

Ha '18: Is the open curriculum solely for show?

A few weeks prior to my return to Providence at the beginning of this semester, I decided to revisit my old essays that I had written as part of my college application. While scrolling through the folder, I stumbled upon one of the drafts for the “Why Brown” prompt. I remembered that I lackadaisically ...

The Setonian

Kenyon GS: Learning in January

Let’s be honest, we all love to learn. Every Brunonian who sets foot through the Van Wickle Gates and commits to obtaining a degree carries a devoted passion for expanding intellectual capacity. I, too, walked through the Gates and took this pact last August. Learning is great, and the opportunity ...

The Setonian

Kiernan '16: Ban smoking at Brown

There are days when I sit on the steps outside the Stephen Roberts ’62 Campus Center and take in our college; there is no better place to view and experience what it means to call Brown home. There are students tossing Frisbees outside University Hall, a capella groups selling concert tickets outside ...

The Setonian

Corvese '15: Demystifying the senior girl

Being a senior girl at Brown is kind of terrifying. Upon learning of my seniority, some may suspect — or expect — that I am a carefree and perpetually over it SWUG: a “senior washed-up girl.” More than just obnoxious millennial slang, the term was popularized by Yale students and featured in ...

The Setonian

Powers '15: The right to die

Last month, an NBC News article detailed the case of Cassandra Callender, a Connecticut seventeen-year-old who was forced by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families to undergo chemotherapy against her and her single mother’s wishes.  Callender was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in ...


Sweren '15: Hungry, hungry students

I didn’t make my college decision based on potential dining experiences. Sure, it might have helped to consider how each school feeds its students — just another barometer of an institution’s financial resources and dedication to student life — but in the multivariable game of college roulette, ...

The Setonian

Mills '15: Let’s talk about the Ratty

Sixty-five years ago the Sharpe Refectory opened its doors on our campus. No space has had more of an impact on the daily lives of Brunonians since. We eat there, we socialize there, we study there and some of us even work there. I would bet that by the time we graduate, we will have entered the Ratty ...

The Setonian

Fossil Free Brown: Global Divestment Day at Brown

Today and tomorrow, fossil fuel divestment campaigns from around the world will call on universities, cities, banks and other institutions to pull their investments from the fossil fuel industry as part of Global Divestment Day. On these two days, united by the knowledge that keeping our economies so ...

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