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The Setonian

Kumar '17: In defense of the ‘like’

Last Wednesday, Facebook unveiled its reactions, five emojis meant to supplement the like button as users express emotions: love, haha, wow, sad and angry. The world took note, with news coverage from a broad range of outlets and gleeful (or cynical) statuses about the change from the social network’s ...

The Setonian

Vilsan '19: Trumping the American Dream

There is no European Dream, at least not in the literary sense. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Great Gatsby never threw a glamorous party in Southern France, not because he couldn’t afford the catering, but because there was no green glimmer of hope on the dock across the water. Eternal optimism and an ingrained ...

The Setonian

Esemplare '18: Mandatory attendance misses the mark

You probably remember your first day of college. You walked into your dorm room for the first time, overwhelmed by a nervous excitement as you took in the scene. You probably felt freedom. You may have loved it. It may have scared you. It was probably a little bit of both. But that’s what college ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18 The Trump effect

When Donald Trump first began running for President, I was sure he had an ulterior motive: I assumed his campaign was a year-long publicity stunt for the next season of “The Apprentice.” After all, how could anyone take a Trump campaign seriously, even Trump himself? But as the election cycle heats ...

The Setonian

Secondo '16: Apple should protect consumer privacy

Having grown up during the technology boom of the past two decades, we tech-savvy millennials see the use of personal devices and daily technologies as natural extensions of ourselves. Our virtual profiles and online activities project who we are into cyberspace. We swipe, scroll and surf through interfaces ...

The Setonian

Al-Salem '17: Only my winnings

After my last article on feeling lost and aimless, a lot of people reached out to me about feeling the same way. Some of these people took me by surprise because in my eyes, through their Facebook feed or ongoings on campus, I thought they were brilliant leaders who had it all together. But the sincerity ...

The Setonian

Johnson '19: Monday Night Marriage

There must be something in an ice cream shop’s scent that draws out surprising stories from its customers. Working behind the counter of one such shop last summer delivered both the treat of sweet substances and nourishing narratives. One Monday night a young couple, radiating support and appreciation ...

The Setonian

Rock '18: Waterboarding is nonsense

The practice of waterboarding U.S. detainees has returned to public discourse as a talking point in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Several candidates, most notably Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL, and Donald Trump, have come out strongly in favor of removing the current ban on the practice, ...

The Setonian

Reynolds '17: Listen up

Brown encourages its students to challenge others, question what a professor tells us in class, critique theories of our peers and inspire other students to rethink their positions. While this community — one in which we constantly challenge each other and progress towards truths — sounds very nice, ...

The Setonian

Malik '18: The difficulties of historical legacy

A recent Herald article (“Professorship name stirs polarizing views,” Feb. 17) has lingered in my mind and has made me ponder how we view and judge people. The article explains how an “endowed history assistant professorship is named after Hans Rothfels, who served as a substitute lecturer at ...

The Setonian

Yu '19: The virtues of volunteer activism

Recently, Oberlin College’s Black Student Union published its list of demands to the college’s president. In the demands document, the students ask for, among other things: A 40 percent increase in the number of black students in the school’s jazz department by 2022, free housing to all black ...

The Setonian

Kebudi '19: Becoming American

I tried to voice my opinions on the Black Lives Matter movement. I was rightfully shut down by a white friend. For since I am a white Turkish male, how could I understand the ever-present racism in United States? Racism, like anything else, was founded in America. I tried to voice my opinions on the ...

The Setonian

Rowland '17: Time in and outside of the college bubble

My hometown is a college town — it houses three small liberal arts schools whose students are a fixture of our demographic. Growing up, I would cut through a college campus to get to elementary school, go to haunted houses hosted by fundraising student activists and attend training sessions offered ...

The Setonian

Meyer '17: Opting out of campaign season narcissism

This presidential campaign has taken place under the collective illusion that the winner will be able to do what he or she says. During election season, mass amnesia blocks out the importance of the other two branches of government. Every candidate goes through the ritual of releasing a series of detailed ...


Esemplare '18: Embrace the MOOC

Last week, Bernie Sanders, D-VT, won the New Hampshire Democratic primary, in no small part due to his attractiveness to young voters. According to CNN exit polls, Sanders received a staggering 83 percent of votes from those between the ages of 18 and 29. This sort of dominance cannot be traced back ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: After the Oscars whitewash, we should turn to TV

Another year, another over-the-top Oscars ceremony, another all-white acting nomination field. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has eschewed diversity and ignored some terrific performances from minority actors. In the four major acting categories, every single nominee is white. The worst ...

The Setonian

Hu '18: Why we need comprehensive sex ed

When I was 10 years old, I first learned about sex from a book: “Lovingly Alice,” a novel about a fifth-grade girl like me. In it, the main character, Alice, asks her single father about the birds and the bees, and he gives a pretty frank response. A rather detailed discussion about the mechanics ...


Kumar '17: On scholarly sanctity

While abroad last semester in Paris, I took classes at the Sorbonne, an imposing structure with roots in the 13th century. Housing several of France’s most prestigious universities and long associated with the country’s intellectual elite, the Sorbonne’s physical presence is as awe-inspiring as ...

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