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Emma Gleeman: Pins

Some of my earliest childhood memories take place in Geoff’s Superlative Sandwiches. I am eye-level with the huge anthropomorphized sandwich painted on the front counter. The sandwich and I are staring at each other and graffiti covers the brick walls. During rides up and down New England, my family ...

The Setonian

Hu '18 and Rowland '17: A letter from the editors

As opinions editors, we have a vested interest in how the Brown community forms and expresses opinions. And as Brown students, we acknowledge that our privilege affords us the opportunity to deeply explore topics of importance, whether that takes place at 2 a.m. in a Keeney lounge or with a professor ...

The Setonian

Wainger '16: Athletes work harder than you do

In my first semester at Brown, I got a C in MATH 0180: “Intermediate Calculus.” Not a just-missed-a-B C. Not a forgot-to-turn-in-four-homeworks C. Not even an I-don’t-care-about-this-class C. I tried as hard as I could all semester long, and it took a miracle on the final exam to earn my C. You ...

The Setonian

Rock '18: Spring Weekend bag policy encourages bingeing

In a column published yesterday, one of my fellow columnists applauded the University’s non-punitive approach to substance use during Spring Weekend. While I agree that Brown’s general lack of severity in addressing drug and alcohol use is commendable, Spring Weekend in particular has two policies ...

The Setonian

Savello '18: Drug use realities and campus enforcement

Recent events — namely April 20 (4/20) and Spring Weekend — inevitably brought up the topic of substance use among students, which, given the politics of most Brown students, leads to a conversation about the legal and regulatory state of said substances. It’s no secret that at 4:20 p.m. April ...

The Setonian

Kumar '17: New York values are American values

Last weekend I traveled to New York City, staying with my aunt in Brooklyn and spending much of Saturday exploring Manhattan. One of the highlights of my brief trip was a visit to the Whitney Museum of American Art, which generated much interest when it moved to a new building in May 2015. After experiencing ...

The Setonian

Campbell '18: Open for whom?

When I came to Brown, I was told time and again about the relaxed nature of the open curriculum. I heard stories of the guy who took every class here S/NC, the girl who decided to switch her concentration at the beginning of her senior year and of every other student, it seemed, for whom the sophomore ...

The Setonian

Friedman '19: Universities fail on mental health

Last month, one of my classmates from middle school passed away. He committed suicide with a kitchen knife after fatally stabbing his mother and brother in their Plano, Texas apartment. His family attributes his “snap” to a prolonged mental illness induced by multiple concussions he sustained while ...

The Setonian

Steinman '19: DPLL courses enhance open curriculum

Somehow, it’s already time for pre-registration for fall 2016. As students explore the new Courses@Brown website in a mad dash to shape the perfect schedule, I urge the administration to consider a change that would  ensure that every student graduates with a broadened perspective of the world. This ...

The Setonian

Malik '18: Shakespeare’s shadow

I recently had the good fortune of seeing a copy of William Shakespeare’s First Folio. The book is part of a travelling exhibit honoring the 400th anniversary of the Bard’s death, and it arrived at the Granoff Center for the Creative Arts earlier this month. As a writer and admirer of Shakespeare, ...

The Setonian

Al-Salem '17: On religion and intellectualism

Freshman fall, I took a class called RELS 0055: “Modern Problems of Belief” that questioned why many believe one cannot be both modern and religious. While the class only focused on white male philosophers and never touched on Islam at all, it did enlighten my world with one special reading: “Fear ...

The Setonian

Krishnamurthy '19: The universality of the DMV

I’m not a big believer in the concept of “hell” — or, more accurately, I wasn’t, until exactly two weeks ago, when I had the tremendous misfortune of visiting the most pathetic government department in what is, almost indisputably, the most pathetic state: the Department of Motor Vehicles ...

The Setonian

Vilsan '19: Adulthood: Are we there yet?

As college students, we often rely on our parents for guidance and money, live with roommates we didn’t choose, depend on grades for validation from our professors and base our eating patterns off of cafeteria menu rotations. We sound like a bunch of kids. Yet, the minute we turned 18, we could vote ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: What about international internships?

When I started scrolling through BrownConnect and other online portals for summer internships in the United States, the first thing I looked for wasn’t the pay or hours per week. I was just on the hunt for a single phrase: “International applicants are welcome to apply.” The line came up quite ...

The Setonian

O'Shea '19: DeMarco reminds us what it means to rock

In the drunken debauchery that pervaded College Hill on Spring Weekend, as many students staggered down Thayer and waded through the broken glass and discarded Natural Light cans on Angell, it was easy to miss the supreme musical talent that graced the Main Green on Saturday night. There, Mac DeMarco ...

The Setonian

Johnson '18: Lessons from the housing lottery

Despite all the warnings from and panic among my peers, I was purely optimistic entering the housing lottery for the first time. My late slot on the second day did not diminish my hopes for Hope College, and I was certain a little of Littlefield Hall would remain open. I spent the preceding Sunday standing ...

The Setonian

Rock '18: Don’t get clobbered by clubs

Two years ago, I announced to friends and family that I was going to come to Brown. I received the reaction probably given to every Californian planning on attending college on the East Coast: ominous muttering about “real winters” and advice that I prepare myself for a level of academic competition ...

The Setonian

Esemplare '18: Redefining diversity

Over the course of the current academic year, perhaps no topic has been more in the consciousness of the Brown community than diversity. Diversity is a common buzzword on college campuses, and we all have at least some sense of what it represents. Whether you have joined in a protest this semester or ...

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