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The Setonian

Savello '18: Gender should play no role in admissions

This December, as early decision admission results loom, it’s important to consider the methodology that goes into accepting students to Brown. While GPA, standardized tests and activities are all well-known for being high priority factors in the decision, a lesser known factor is also influencing ...

The Setonian

Hu '18: Stop tolerating sexual violence

This year, we watched our country condemn Brock Turner and then elect an alleged rapist for president in a span of less than six months. We made endless cracks about the absurdity of “Pussygate” and witnessed a confession of sexual assault be casually dismissed as “locker room talk” but forgot ...

The Setonian

Meyer '17: Paxson caught in the middle

During the election, journalists wrote that covering President-Elect Donald Trump created a conflict between their obligations of accuracy and balance. Writing about the plain facts of the campaign seemed biased against Trump because he was so grossly unqualified. “If Trump is outside the frame of ...

The Setonian

Esemplare '18: The failure of progressivism

In the aftermath of a historic and surprising election outcome, Americans have come forth with a plethora of explanations for the seemingly inexplicable, many of which focus on the electorate’s latent sexism or former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s perceived shortcomings. But ...

The Setonian

Vilsan '19: Tackling pervasive sexism

As any woman can tell you, we are constantly caught in a catch-22 of gender inequality. We are told that sexism in modern Western society is close to being obsolete, that glass ceilings have been shattered. Of course. That must be why the highly qualified and proven fighter in former Democratic presidential ...

The Setonian

Johnson ’19: Absent absentee votes

I rode the RIPTA downtown Nov. 8 wearing a white shirt (to salute suffragette pioneers) with the words “cats against catcalls” (to separate my body from President-elect Donald Trump’s  pussy-grabbing world) to vote in my first presidential election. My eyes unexpectedly pooled with tears when ...

The Setonian

Malik '18: Don’t ignore bigotry when addressing polarization

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization, “there have been at least 700 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation since the election.” I fear that more hate-fueled incidents like these will occur because the disgusting bigotry that President-elect Donald Trump ...

The Setonian

Steinman '19: Finding a way forward

In the hours before dawn Nov. 9, I walked to where I could see the Providence skyline and looked out at a country I wasn’t sure I recognized. These couldn’t be the actions of the America I thought I lived in. It wasn’t until morning that I recognized the privilege of that thought. As a straight ...

The Setonian

Zeng '20: Doctor, save me from the racism

“Doctor Strange” is not the first instance of Hollywood whitewashing, nor will it be the last. You may recall the #OscarsSoWhite backlash from February of this year after the Academy Awards nominees were revealed. Despite sparking a massive resurgence of discourse on the lack of diversity in Hollywood, ...

The Setonian

Kumar '17: Human family

“I’m terrified by the America we might wake up to after Election Day,” I wrote in a mid-September Facebook post in response to polls that put President-Elect Donald Trump ahead in Florida and Ohio. Of course, my worst fears came true Nov. 8, and I continue to grapple with this new political reality. ...

The Setonian

Savello '18: Speaking up for introverts

Particularly on college campuses, the dichotomy between the introvert and extrovert has become a prevalent force in explaining preferences in social behaviors. But this dichotomy has more important purposes aside from determining whether a person prefers Netflix over a party. The introversion-extroversion ...

The Setonian

Papendorp '17: Money talks at Commencement

Though May might seem like a long time from now, in just a few months, friends and family of graduating students will arrive at Brown to celebrate Commencement. For some families who don’t have the disposable income to spend on plane tickets, this will be their first time even seeing Brown’s campus. ...

The Setonian

Liang ’19: Redefining civic engagement

Let me start by saying this to all the marginalized groups impacted by the results of this election, from people of color to women to first-generation students to religious minorities: Your feelings are valid. Your fears and emotions and mental health are valid. Your existence is valid, no matter how ...

The Setonian

Friedman ’19: Trump’s victory was in the cards

This summer, I engaged in a Twitter war with a conservative Brit about the Brexit vote. A couple hours after I tweeted, “May the Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s success be the last hurrah of rural white people worldwide,” this stranger had reposted my tweet on his own page with the reply, “Tribalism ...

The Setonian

Mehta '14 MD'19: Now we heal

Wednesday I woke up, looked at my phone and felt the floor drop beneath me. I felt sick. Many of us now face a harsh reality: The country we thought we knew is not the country we really live in, and the hopes and ideals we felt were so clear are not the hopes and ideals felt by much of the nation. I ...

The Setonian

Meyer '17: Bad and worse

Tuesday night brought me closer to the alienation and anxiety that some on this campus and so many off it have coped with for generations. It is a visceral phenomenon to feel estranged and hated by much of America. Hated is not too strong a word. Institutions like Brown and places like my home, Washington, ...

The Setonian

Silvert '20: An evolving opinion on networking

After reading Cindy Zeng’s ’20 recent column on networking (“Zeng ’20: The net wrong with networking,” Nov. 1), I felt relieved to hear someone else voice dissatisfaction with contrived networking events. I had never attributed my ambivalence toward networking to its insincerity and ineffectiveness, ...

The Setonian

Krishnamurthy ’19: A republic of hope

At moments like these — on a campus simmering with the heartache of young liberals and those who simply yearned for decency in their president — it’s hard to feel proud as an American. Donald  Trump, a man whose displays of toxic bravado, wealth and cavalier racism catapulted him to prominence, ...

The Setonian

Vilsan '19: The opportunity cost of study abroad

As an international student who has had the privilege of studying and living abroad, I completely understand the allure of the study abroad options at Brown. Especially for students who haven’t left the United States, the novelty of a semester in glamorous Paris or sleek Stockholm seems like a once-in-a-lifetime ...

The Setonian

Malik '18: Term limits might fix our broken government

The never-ending nightmare that has been the 2016 presidential election might seem like it is finally drawing to a close tomorrow. But as much as it frustrates me to say this, I am not counting on the state of U.S. politics to get any better.  I thought the debt ceiling crisis a few years ago was the ...

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