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Savello ’18: Maximizing language opportunities

In my first semester at Brown, I signed up for a Spanish class on a whim. Seated in HISP0600: “Advanced Spanish II” alongside a group of near-fluent students and upperclassmen, I was absolutely terrified when the professor called on me to read a paragraph aloud to the class. I had taken AP Spanish ...

The Setonian

Vilsan ’19: Robots or not?

The queue in front of me in the pharmacy was moving impressively fast, customers walking off with a handful of change less than a minute after placing their orders. As I glided forward, I couldn’t help but appreciate the efficiency. I speedily arrived to the front of the line, only to discover that ...

The Setonian

Krishnamurthy '19: Enough with myths

I’m not a particularly devout person. I don’t subscribe to any cults or fringe subcultures. (In the interest of transparency, I do follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram.) And I’ve never really wondered what happens to us after we kick the proverbial bucket. But if there ever is an apocalypse that reduces ...

The Setonian

Okin '19: In light of hate, choose community

The iconic Rabbi A.Y. Kook once said, “I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” This statement encapsulates the visceral obligation I feel to the Jewish community to react: to scream when swastiskas stain high school walls, to ...

The Setonian

Liang '19: Brown’s new health insurance disappoints

This summer, students received word that Brown is switching the management of its student health insurance plan to Gallagher Student Health, an insurance company that provides plans for a multitude of universities nationwide. While this might seem like a technicality, the change creates another difficult ...

The Setonian

Mitra '18: Harriet Tubman deserves top billing

On the one hand, we have Harriet Tubman, a humanitarian and abolitionist who dedicated her life to fighting for the freedom of enslaved people. She risked her life as a spy for the Union Army, spent years guiding others to liberty and eventually became the most famous “conductor” on the Underground ...


Jaclyn Torres: Finding friendship through food

You can learn a lot about a person over a meal. My best friends at Brown share my love of food and, in many cases, a similar eating schedule. Every fall, I cherish the inaugural dinner of the semester, before classes start and when the only people in the dining halls are athletes and students participating ...

The Setonian

Lindsey Taing: Chill out

I entered Brown with big aspirations, wide eyes and a hope for something incredible. Like many of my peers, I was the valedictorian and president of many different clubs in high school. But after my freshman year, I soon realized that almost every Brown student was accustomed to past success. Brown ...

The Setonian

Julia Stemmer: Play It Right (Sylvan Esso)

I cannot begin to quantify the number of parties I have attended with Steff and Stefan where we have taken over the music. From tiny dorm rooms to large bars, the three of us are constantly arriving somewhere, deciding we want to hear something different and asserting our musical tastes on everyone ...


Lainie Rowland: Anything but a cheesy column

My senior year of high school I wrote a paper for my AP Language class trying to figure out what makes going to college worth the money. I could not actually answer the question, so the resulting paper was tragically bad. I argued that experiences combined with academics define college, making it a ...


Jia-hong Sun: You Are A Little Self-Conscious

You bend down to tie your laces. You think the shoes are funny-looking. They are made of cowhide, and you have never worn ones like these before. You are traveling to America! Better wear something nice! You giggle at their old-fashioned ideas. You stand up and twist the door knob. Light cascades into ...


Taneil Ruffin: Homesickness

Homesickness has plagued me for longer than I would like to admit. One of my only memories from pre-school is crying by the classroom door after my mom dropped me off for the day. Once my parents went back to Pennsylvania after visiting me during family weekend of my sophomore year of college, I got ...


Daniel Murage: A friend and a book

I have often been asked what my favorite book is or asked friends what their favorite books are. This is always a curious question, mostly because it offers an opportunity to learn about what the other person cares about without having to make them feel uncomfortable. In this same fashion, I will give ...


David Lazris: Brown in a quarter century

In 1982, an incoming freshman from New Jersey met his roommate, an international student from Pakistan. In their initial conversation, Andy Lazris ’86 and Syed Ejaz Husain ’86 MD’90 both quickly acknowledged that neither of them drank, but they agreed to begin college anew, attending a frat party ...


Nikhil Kumar: Atlas

In high school, I started a Tumblr account with the username, “peoplecartographer.” I titled the blog “Atlas” and wrote a short description: “A collection of maps. An exploration of the world.” My posts featured maps I found online — including a map of terms used in the United States to ...


Fatima Husain: The changing of the generations

Making your way to the top of College Hill is not always easy. In the fall of 1982, fresh off his flight from Islamabad, Pakistan and totally alone, Syed Ejaz Husain ’86 MD’90 trekked up the uneven cobblestone sidewalk with his suitcase encasing all of his belongings for college. The young international ...


Vicky Ding: Baby shoes

Inspired by the mother of the protagonist Sam in “Transformers 2,” my dad proudly paraded through Keeney on orientation day with my baby shoes around his neck (or “baby booties,” as Sam’s mom calls them). I took my first steps in these tiny red shoes. They flew with me across the Pacific from ...

The Setonian

Kumar '17: Leaving Brown, and hate, behind

With Commencement just 31 days away, many of my fellow seniors find themselves in the throes of a full-blown existential crisis. Last September, I wrote myself “A pep talk for senior year,” in which I found cause for optimism despite “a general sense that the world into which we were born is dissolving ...

The Setonian

Campbell '19: Avoiding cities won’t solve politics

In the wake of the 2016 election, numerous articles were written placing at least part of the blame for Hillary Clinton’s defeat on America’s urbanites — simply for living where they do. City-dwellers, the logic went, were essentially self-gerrymandering, diminishing their political impact by ...

The Setonian

Friedman '19: Time to revisit our AP exam policy

Congratulations to the 2,722 students — of a record 32,724 applicants — admitted to Brown for fall 2017. It is no surprise that Brown (which accepted a record-low 8.3 percent of applicants this year) and the other Ivy League universities have become increasingly selective over the past decade, as ...

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