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The Setonian

Lucia Seda '12: Halloween and Lady Gaga: a 'meaty' combination

It was that time of the year, when Brown students took a break from the usual stress of their classes to think about their outfits for the upcoming "holiday" season. No, it was still not the season to be jolly, but rather the much-anticipated "All Hallows' Eve." In between the talk about midterms and ...

The Setonian

Nicholson '12.5: Is politics a laughing matter?

On Saturday, October 30, so-called "rivals" Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Assembled on the National Mall in Washington D.C, the event was intended to gather all sane, moderate humans who are tired of the inflammatory discourse so prevalent in the media ...

The Setonian

Sarah Yu '11: Actually, let's talk about sex

I spent my formative adolescent years at an absurdly secular and progressive educational institution. One very important thing that my school's curriculum did to prepare me for my journey into the real world was provide honest, effective and informative sex education.

The Setonian

Michelle Uhrick '11: Obama's roasting

Obama is in trouble. Our very own Rhode Island candidate for Governor, Frank Caprio, has made national headlines by telling the once wildly popular president to take his endorsement and "shove it." The independents who once voted for Obama are now backing Republicans by a 14-point margin, according ...

The Setonian

Stephen Wicken GS: Of grade-grubbing and toe-stubbing

Allow me, gentle reader, to tell you a brief story. It happened at Yale, where I was an MA student and first-time TA in a large lecture class. My fellow TA and I had just graded and returned 100 midterms when one of my students approached me. He radiated a quiet fury and might have been a little intimidating ...

The Setonian

Lucia Seda '12: Where did my kitchen go?

Toward the end of July, the usual meal plan brochure arrived in my mailbox, announcing all of the familiar meal plans for the upcoming Academic Year. At the time, I checked off my current meal plan option on the card and mailed it back by the first week of August, without giving too much thought to ...

The Setonian

Sissi Sun '12: V-Dub machine crisis

The weekday lunch and dinnertime rush at the entrance to Brown's Verney-Woolley Dining Hall is well known to students on and off meal plan. The line of students winds through the hallways of the Emery-Woolley Hall, moving at a snail's pace, due in no small part to the fact that at the start of ...

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