The Bruno Brief: Businesses are shelling out for eggs in the face of shortage, price hikes
Ciara Meyer
Ciara Meyer
Brown’s little-known acquisition of Hitler’s personal library and the debate over what these books can or cannot reveal.
In the third and final episode of Pandas on Ice, BDH Studios catches up with the Pandas at their reunion and hears about the legacy of the inaugural team today.
Amanda Sun
In the second episode of The Herald’s new podcast series “Pandas On Ice,” podcast editor and metro editor Jacob Smollen speaks with former Pembroke Pandas to tell the story of how the first intercollegiate women’s ice hockey team in the country became a national powerhouse.
Finn Kirkpatrick
In the first episode of The Herald’s new podcast series “Pandas On Ice,” former Pembroke Pandas tell the story of how the first intercollegiate women’s ice hockey team in the country came to be.
Finn Kirkpatrick
Carter Moyer
Students told The Herald's podcast team about their favorite photos — and the memories they represent
Artist Heather McMordie launched the Providence Community Herbarium project to explore the relationships twelve Providence residents have with plants. Weaving these stories with artwork and local ecology, this initiative has fostered community as well as appreciation for plant life beyond scientific ...
In the second episode of The Herald’s new podcast series, “On The Green,” senior staff writer and podcast producer Mikayla Kennedy talks to fellow Brunonians about how they met their best friends and partners.
In the 2023 fiscal year, Brown’s endowment netted a 2.7% return on investments, increasing its value to $6.6 billion as of June 30 after accounting for gifts and the endowment's contribution to the operating budget.
In the first episode of The Herald’s new podcast series, “On The Green,” contributing writers and producers Maya Kelly ’27 and Rohey Jasseh ’27 talk to fellow Brunonians about their first years on College Hill. How were their experiences in communal bathrooms? What were their favorite memories? ...
The Herald conducted polling this summer to get a clearer picture of the class of 2027. Now, we analyze the data to get a picture of admissions, exploring test-optional policies, legacy impacts and the influence of other factors on getting into Brown. In this episode of the Bruno Brief, we’ll dive ...
Editors’ Note: On Friday, Vice President for Campus Life Eric Estes informed the Labor Organization of Community Coordinators that the University was prepared to recognize the proposed union pending a check of authorization cards, The Herald previously reported. This podcast was recorded before that ...
Woonsocket Middle School has been closed for 14 years, but developers are working to breathe new life into the school and transform it into approximately 150 apartments. The project is just one of the new adaptive reuse projects underway in Rhode Island as developers work to repurpose unused buildings ...
Following years of student activism, Brown has officially launched the Critical Native American and Indigenous Studies concentration, which will see its first graduating students this spring. The concentration was part of five commitments adopted by the University in May 2022 alongside its official ...
While Health Services has offered emergency and prescription contraceptives for over a decade, until recently students had to pay for or use their insurance in order to attain them.