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Jordan Allums


Allums '21: The fate of abortion rights in Rhode Island

Given the conservative-leaning U.S. Supreme Court and unclear fate of Roe v. Wade, the fight to protect a woman’s right to abortion continues to be waged at the federal level and in Rhode Island. On March 7, Rhode Island’s House of Representatives voted 44-30 to protect legal abortion at the state ...


Allums '21: Who is the 'we' in WE@Brown?

From Feb. 7 until the Feb. 9, I had the pleasure of representing Brown at the 24th Annual Black Solidarity Conference sponsored by Yale. Hundreds of black undergraduate students gathered to attend workshops, network and foster connections with one another. During a moment of free time, I was scrolling ...


Allums '21: Is the Brown Promise enough?

Fall semester at Brown has invited the usual wave of prospective students crowding the entrance of the Stephen Robert ‘62 Campus Center before they embark on one of the highly recommended campus tours. The members who hope to join the Class of 2023 appear to follow the typical pattern, but there is ...


Allums '21: After November 6th

In the midst of countless Brown students eagerly mailing their absentee ballots to their home states, the energy surrounding the midterm elections these past few weeks has been palpable. Indeed, this election cycle was distinctive. Since June 2015, when President Trump first announced his presidential ...

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