Post- Magazine

self-care diaries [lifestyle]

Dear Reader,

College can be ruthless. College life demands that we make space in our schedules where there isn’t any, that we push back the clock hands to make more time when there never seems to be enough.

Personally, I’ve found that since there’s barely enough time to take care of my academic responsibilities, I have even less time to take care of myself. I seem to forget that I, too, am one of my responsibilities. In fact, I should be the most important one.

So, with this realization in mind, I tasked myself with a two-part goal: to practice self-care more frequently and to find forms of self-care that work for me. Lately, writing has been my favorite form of self-care. I write prose for an escape, poetry for expression, and journaling for a combination of both. Depending on what I need at that moment, I try to write it into existence.


Another thing that I’ve found to be helpful in improving self-care is clearing time in my day to do the little things. If I put something in my Google Calendar, it's way more likely to happen. Just last night, I practiced some small things that make me feel cared for: I washed my hair, tweezed my eyebrows, painted my nails, used my rose quartz roller, etc. Self-care doesn’t have to be a big event: It can be a combination of little things or even just one. Self-care can be small, it just needs to be.

During my search for effective forms of self-care, I ironically plummeted into a stressful brainstorming session—though it did result in a list of my ideas. And for clarity, I’ve split the body, the mind, and the spirit into categories. Although they are inherently connected, this way of organizing allows me to evaluate what needs to be looked after and then determine how. 

Caring for the body is important because our body is, in a way, our home. Taking care of it allows us to feel better physically, which makes it easier to enjoy life in other ways. 

  • Caring for your hair

  • Getting a smoothie

  • Doing yoga/stretching

  • Exercising

  • Drinking tea

  • Resting

  • Going for a walk

  • Staying hydrated

Caring for the mind is like watering a flower: It helps sustain your mind and helps it grow. Longevity through present care is something we all need but frequently undervalue. 

  • Journaling

  • Meditating

  • Reading (not for class!)

  • Coloring

  • Unplugging from social media

  • Decluttering social media

  • Cleaning your room

  • Writing poetry

  • Setting time limits for addictive apps on phone

  • Writing a letter to yourself

  • Allowing yourself to cry

Caring for the spirit is giving yourself what you need in that moment and for that moment only. It makes you happy in the present. That happiness doesn’t necessarily last into the future, but that’s okay. Never feel guilty for prioritizing the present over the future: Do what you feel you need most. You’re the only one who knows what that is.

  • Trying a new snack

  • Making blackout poetry

  • Watching a guilty pleasure TV show

  • Dancing in your room like no one’s watching

  • Being spontaneous

  • Dressing up and taking pictures

  • Painting nails

  • Stargazing or watching the sunset

  • Sending kind texts to friends

  • Making a new playlist

Essentially, treat yourself like you would want a friend to treat you. After all, self-care is self-love.

With love, 



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