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Editors’ note: What we’re thankful for


A safe and healthy staff, finally in person.

88 Benevolent, a new website and functional chairs. Reliable couches and unreliable design software. Glowing orbs for mood lighting, disposable photos and the cauldron of snacks. Props and staff portraits scrawled on scraps of paper. Slug Lig.

Slack and Zoom, for keeping us connected from all over the world. Shared Ratty desserts and Snackpass parties for fueling us (and leaving us feeling generally unwell) through long nights. Ceremony for the caffeine. The boxes of masks and pounds of candy we’ve gone through.

Chelsey Barton-Karnes, who keeps us fed and running. Michael Wang ’22 and Noah Colón ’22 for keeping us afloat. Steve and Andy at TCI Press, for their printer and their patience. Pete, for getting our paper where it needs to be.


Our section editors, who shape our coverage and set the pace of our news every day. Our opinions editors, for wholesome bonding and thoughtful editing. Senior staff writers, who navigate Weeks A and B near-seamlessly and whip up breaking news at the drop of a hat. The Editorial Page Board for witty banter and important, impactful takes; and our columnists for engaging our readers and leading critical conversations. 

post- magazine for giving The Herald an alt edge every Thursday. Our multimedia heads, who make our paper and web presence more engaging each day, and our copy editors, for catching mistakes and bearing with us through printer and InCopy woes. The Bruno Brief team for Michael Barbaro vibes and a fun listen, always.

The New York Times Mini leaderboard for breakneck competition. Kickball and the party parrot. Back lot Happy Hours, Tim Harold and Nintendo in the War Room.

Herald alums, including, but not limited to: Ben Leubsdorf ’08 for his care and institutional knowledge; Sydney Ember-Bechek ’12 for her editorial wisdom; Michael Dubin ’16 for his eye for detail and for knowing what a darty is; Chris Hatfield ’06 for keeping us level-headed and for Taj MaCat; and David Grossman ’89 for his business expertise. Everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to train and talk to our reporters. The 130th and 129th Editorial Boards for their friendship and guidance at all times of the day.

James Egan for his warmth and support, which came through every other week, even on Zoom.

Our friends and family who forgive us for canceled plans and unanswered texts, and who graciously listen to hours of Heraldspeak. The 132nd Editorial Board for all they’ve already achieved, and everything to come. Alexandra Cerda ’22.5 and Sophie Silverman ’23 for the same.

We’re grateful for each other and the family we’ve created.

And lastly, our readers for engaging with us throughout this year. Thanks for reading.

—Editors’ Notes are written by The Herald’s 131st editorial board: Kayla Guo ’22.5, Henry Dawson ’22.5, Li Goldstein ’22, Emilija Sagaityte ’22, Kate Ok ’22, Emily Teng ’22 and Kamran King ’22


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