After an unprecedented summer of publishing online daily during Brown’s first-ever summer term, The Herald will print three times a week this fall semester on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays — up from the once-per-week frequency implemented in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to publish on our website daily, and we will open our new office at 88 Benevolent St. for in-person production.
This decision to scale up to three papers a week and to return to in-person production was guided first and foremost by campus public health conditions and the University’s COVID-19 guidelines. The three-day frequency grants us flexibility in the face of the ever-evolving pandemic, and allows us to serve our mission as a teaching institution by training our younger staffers on how to produce a print paper, with the hope that they can carry on print production in future semesters. It also means we will continue to emphasize innovation on our digital platform while honoring The Herald’s long-lasting print tradition.
We’re both honored and thrilled to have this opportunity to return to a higher level of print and to continue shaping The Herald’s editorial trajectory. We owe so much to our staffers, who have given innumerable hours, exhibited inspiring grace, maintained community and demonstrated a consistent dedication to reporting the news and sustaining our duty as a paper throughout this last year and a half.
Lastly, we’re grateful to all of you, our readers, for continuing to engage with us as we do our absolute best every day to bring you the news and content of our community. We wish everyone a safe and fulfilling semester ahead.
The Herald will print its first paper of the semester on Sept. 8 and continue to publish content on our website. You can pick up a copy of our paper for free at any of the locations on this map. To stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
—Editors’ Notes are written by The Herald’s 131st editorial board: Kayla Guo ’22.5, Henry Dawson ’22.5, Li Goldstein ’22, Emilija Sagaityte ’22, Kate Ok ’22, Emily Teng ’22 and Kamran King ’22