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Herald Fall 2017 Poll Results and Methodology


Fall 2017 poll results can be found here.

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christina Paxson is handling her job as president of the University?

16.2% Strongly approve

45.7% Somewhat approve

9.1% Somewhat disapprove

1.6% Strongly disapprove

27.4% No opinion

Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Undergraduate council of Students is handling its job representing and addressing the concerns of the undergraduate student body?

11.8% Strongly approve

41.1% Somewhat approve

7.9% Somewhat disapprove

2.2% Strongly disapprove

37% No opinion

Do you agree with the College Curriculum Council’s proposal to move the course drop deadline closer to the middle of the semester?

23.4% Strongly approve

16.3% Somewhat approve

15.8% Somewhat disapprove

35.3% Strongly disapprove

9.3% No opinion

If you have visited Health Services, how satisfied were you with the care that you received?

38.3% Very satisfied

30.8% Somewhat satisfied

9.9% Somewhat unsatisfied

2.7% Very unsatisfied

18.3% No opinion

How many of your friends come from a socioeconomic background similar to yours?

17.4% Most (more than 75% roughly) of my friends

25.5% The majority (more than 50%) of my friends

34.5% About equal (50%) of my friends

15.8% A minority (less than 50%) of my friends

6.8% Very few (less than 25%) of my friends

How often you catcalled on or near campus?

1.5% Everyday

10.7% At least once a week

18.3% At least once a month

27.8% Rarely

41.7% Never

If you do not intend to study abroad, what factors influenced your decision? (Circle all that apply)

27.3% Personal preference

35.9% Concentration requirements

23.7% Financial concerns

11.3% Recruitment for internships

10.5% Social concerns

17.3% Extracurricular commitments

8.5% No program interested me

1% I did not qualify for the program of my choice

9.4% Other

How confident or concerned are you in your ability to get a job in your chosen field with your Brown degree?

31.2% Very confident

42.6% Somewhat confident

18.3% Somewhat concerned

4.4% Very concerned

3.6% No opinion

Do you believe your professors facilitate discussions that respect opposing points of view?

19.1% Strongly agree

47.9% Somewhat agree

19.4% Somewhat disagree

4.5% Strongly disagree

9.1% No opinion

After President Trump’s election, how were the following aspects of your life changed?

Consumption of news

Increase: 59.4%

Decrease: 17.4%

Neutral: 23.2%

Visits home

Increase: 6.3%

Decrease: 5.7%

Neutral: 88.0%

Social media engagement

Increase: 29.4%

Decrease: 17.8%

Neutral: 52.7%

Participation in activism

Increase: 47.8%

Decrease: 3.1%

Neutral: 49.1%

After President Trump’s election, how did the following aspects of your life positively or negatively change?

Relationship with friends

Positive: 23.8%

Negative: 8.0%

Neutral: 68.2%

Relationship with family

Positive: 20.2%

Negative: 9.8%

Neutral: 70.4%

In the past year, which of the following substance have you used recreationally?

80.8% Alcohol

49.9% Marijuana

18.1% Tobacco

3.6% Prescription painkillers

4.7% Amphetamines

7% Cocaine

5.5% Ecstasy

6.1% Psychedelic mushrooms

6.2% LSD

1.1% Other

0.0% I don’t know

7.5% None of the above

Do you believe that Brown has school spirit?

10.8% Strongly agree

44.9% Somewhat agree

24.5% Somewhat disagree

13.8% Strongly disagree

6.0% No opinion

Brown Daily Herald / Herald

over the course of four days — Nov. 8-10 and Nov. 15. The margin of error is 3.1 percent with 95 percent confidence. The margins of error for specific subsets are as follows: 4.2 percent for females, 5.0 percent for males, 6.2 percent for first-years, 5.8 percent for sophomores, 7.1 percent for juniors, 7.5 percent for seniors, 4.6 percent for students who receive financial aid and 4.6 percent for students who do not receive financial aid.

The sample of students who took the poll is demographically similar to the undergraduate student body. The sample was 41.5 percent male and 57.4 percent female. First-years made up 27.8 percent, sophomores 31.6 percent, juniors 21.3 percent and seniors 19.3 percent of the poll. Of students represented in the poll, 6.3 percent receive just loans, 18.9 receive grants and loans, 15.2 percent receive grants covering some costs, 9.6 percent receive grants covering all costs and 50.1 percent receive no financial aid. Varsity athletes made up 9.8 percent, while non-athletes made up 90.2 percent. Of students surveyed, 78.4 percent identify as heterosexual, 6.1 percent as gay, 10.5 percent as bisexual and 5.0 percent as other. 

Of students surveyed, 55.4 percent identify as white, 32.2 percent as Asian, 12.3 percent as Hispanic, 9.5 percent as black, 1.2 percent as American Indian/Alaska Native, 0.6 percent as

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and 3.3 percent as other. Students also marked the concentration area(s) that they are in — 31.8 percent are in the humanities/arts, 21.4 percent in life sciences, 34.8 percent in physical sciences, 11.5 percent in BEO or economics and 22.5 percent in social sciences. Of students polled, 13.7 percent of students are legacy students, meaning they have a parent, grandparent or sibling who attended Brown, and 86.3 percent are not. First-generation students made up 18.1 percent of students surveyed and non-first-gen students made up 81.9 percent of the sample.

Statistical significance was established at the 0.05 level. All cross tabulations are statistically significant.

Science & Research Editor Elena Renken ’19, Metro Editor Gwen Everett ’19, Senior Staff Writer Emily Davies ’19.5 and Staff Writers Arjun Ganga ’21 and Sophie Culpepper ’21 coordinated the poll. Herald section editors, senior staff writers and other staff members conducted the poll.

Over the next several weeks, The Herald will publish a series of articles about individual poll questions. Find results of previous polls at


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