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Matthew Brownsword / Herald

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christina Paxson is handling her job as president of the University?

11.0% Strongly approve

42.9% Somewhat approve

33.8% No opinion

11.7% Somewhat disapprove

0.7% Strongly disapprove

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Undergraduate Council of Students is handling its job representing and addressing the concerns of the undergraduate student body?

16.3% Strongly approve

33.2% Somewhat approve

42.0% No opinion

7.5% Somewhat disapprove

1.0% Strongly disapprove

3. How informed do you feel on the initiatives of the Undergraduate Council of Students and their implementations?

5.0% Very informed

37.8% Somewhat informed

17.6% No opinion

17.8% Somewhat uninformed

21.9% Not at all informed

4. Do you agree or disagree that the University should build a new performing arts center on the site of the current Urban Environmental Lab?

10.3% Strongly agree

16.1% Somewhat agree

33.7% No opinion

25.2% Somewhat disagree

14.6% Strongly disagree

5. Did you alter your social media accounts before applying to college ?(Circle all that apply.)

11.4% Changed profile name on account

17.6% Deleted certain posts on account

1.5% Deleted entire account

68.7% Did not make changes

3.8% Other

6. How many times have you used Brown’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in the past academic school year for drug-or alcohol-related instances?

88.8% I have not used EMS in the past year

8.7% 1 time

1.3% 2 times

0.8% 3 times

0.0% 4 times

0.3% 5+ times

7. Have you ever decided not to call EMS for yourself or a peer for a fear of University or other repercussions?

91.0% No

9.0% Yes

8. How often do you participate in religious activities at Brown (church, fellowships, religious associations)?

9.6% Once a week

5.5% Once or twice a month

8.1% Once or twice a semester

7.7% Once a year

69.1% Never

9.  Before coming to Brown, how often did you participate in religious activities?

23.8% Once a week

10.2% Once or twice a month

9.2% Once or twice a semester

14.1% Once a year

42.7% Never

10. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the University is handling its budget?

1.9% Strongly approve

18.5% Somewhat approve

37.5% No opinion

35.7% Somewhat disapprove

6.4% Strongly disapprove

11. If you were in a situation that fell under the jurisdiction of the Title IX office, which handles cases of sexual and gender-based harassment, how comfortable would you feel going to the office for assistance and support?

18.6% Very comfortable

40.0% Somewhat comfortable

16.9% No opinion

18.8% Somewhat uncomfortable

5.7% Very uncomfortable

12. Do you plan to pursue a career in visual, performing or literary arts immediately after graduation?

6.5% Yes

81.4% No

12.0% Unsure

13. Have you gone on a new or different birth control recently in response to the political climate?

5.8% I have gone on a new or different birth control, but not in response to the political climate

4.4% Yes

48.4% No

41.3% This question does not apply to me


The results come from 861 surveys that were collected at J. Walter Wilson, the Stephen Roberts ’62 Campus Center and the Sciences Library over the course of three days — April 5-7. The margin of error is 3.2 percent with 95 percent confidence. The margin of error for specific subsets are as follow: 4.6 percent for females, 4.7 percent for males, 5.8 percent for first-years, 6.0 percent for sophomores, 7.5 percent for juniors, 7.9 percent for seniors, 4.5 percent for students who receive financial aid and 4.8 percent for students who do not receive financial aid.

The sample of students who took the poll is demographically similar to the undergraduate student body. The sample was 48.4 percent male and 51.6 percent female. First-years made up 32.1 percent, sophomores 30.7 percent, juniors 19.7 percent and seniors 17.5 percent of the poll. Of students who receive financial aid represented in the poll, 5.8 percent receive just loans, 17.9 receive grants and loans, 16.2 percent receive grants covering some costs, 6.9 percent receive grants covering all costs and 53.2 percent receive no financial aid. Varsity athletes made up 8.8 percent, while non-athletes made up 91.2 percent. Of students surveyed, 77.7 percent identify as heterosexual, 7.3 percent as gay, 10.3 percent as bisexual and 4.7 percent as other. Students reported all of the races/ethnicities they identify with — 56.3 percent of students identify as white, 31.3 percent as Asian, 11.8 percent as Hispanic, 8.2 percent as black, 0.9 percent as American

Indian/Alaska Native, 0.7 percent as Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and 4.6 percent as other. Students also marked the concentration area(s) that they are in — 30.0 percent are in the humanities/arts, 22.2 percent in life sciences and 36.9 percent in physical science and 27.8 percent in social sciences. Of students polled, 15 percent of students are legacy students, meaning they have a parent, grandparent or sibling who attended Brown, and 85 percent are not. First-generation students make up 17.1 percent and non-first-gen students made up 82.9 percent of the sample. Of students surveyed, 67.3 percent of students described their political affiliation as democrat, 13.9 percent as independent, 13.7  percent as other and 5.1 percent as republican.

Statistical significance was established at 0.05 level. All cross-tabulations are statistically significant.

Arts & Culture Editor Julianne Center ’19, Graphics Editor Laura Felenstien ’19, News Editors Alex Skidmore ’19, Suvy Quin ’19, and Kasturi Pananjady ’19, Science and Research Editors Hattie Xu ’19 and Elena Renken ’19, and Senior Staff Writer Rhaime Kim ’20 coordinated the poll. Herald section editors, senior staff writers, and other staff members conducted the poll.

Over the next several weeks, The Herald will publish a series of articles about individual poll questions. Find results of previous polls at


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