To the Editor:
I would like to complement Wednesday’s columns (“Esemplare ’18: Reading in the smartphone era,” Oct. 26 and “Johnson ’19: Hiding homesickness,” Oct. 26). Firstly, I would like to offer a solution to Johnson’s argument on homesickness: reading. Esemplare clearly lays down one of the advantages of reading as offering “a reprieve — however brief — from college lifestyles that can often be inordinately stressful.” This quote hit the nail on the head with regard to homesickness.
From personal experience, I have gotten to address my homesickness by delving into literature from the motherland, Africa. Whenever I miss home, I have learnt to read short stories or novels by contemporary African authors, and in this way, I am able to engage with matters related to my home. Moreover, reading literature from home has helped me understand my identity and enabled me to acclimate and appreciate American culture.
Next time the homesickness creeps in, it is my hope that one of the options you will consider to address it is literature. I hope that you embark on a wonderful journey and get to discover writers and great literature from home, wherever that is for you.
Daniel Murage ’17