To the Editor:
As you know, the SciLi is having an open house Sept. 16 (announced in Provost Richard Locke’s P’17 email). This letter is to point out that in addition to the many important activities described in the email and in The Herald’s article, there is still an important library function on floors 11 and 12, namely that there are math and physics books on the shelves, eagerly awaiting browsing and borrowing by students.
Brown University considers it essential that “students are responsible for their own education.”
One principal meaning of this is that the student has to go beyond classroom and assigned textbook readings. Go to the library and browse among books on the shelf, looking inside some of them, maybe even borrowing them.
That this is now possible for an indefinite period of time is due principally to Locke, who recognized its importance and met with Professor of Physics John Marston and Professor of Physics Ian Dell’Antonio, myself and the University Librarian Harriette Hemmasi. But students have to carry out their part by using the library.
Bruno Harris
Professor emeritus of mathematics
Correction: A previous version of this letter stated that the SciLi open house was Monday. In fact, it is Sept. 16. Additionally, a previous version of this article stated that Bruno Harris is a former dean of the faculty. In fact, he is not. The Herald regrets the errors.