To the Editor:
Interim Dean of the College and Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services Margaret Klawunn stated in her email Tuesday to the Brown community that “incidents of sexual assault do irreparable harm, and we must engage the entire community in reinforcing the fact that sexual assault is not tolerated at Brown.”
Yet in the Lena Sclove ’15.5 case, Brown’s rhetoric and its actions don’t match up. The University should not patronize us with meaningless PR about how bad rape is while passing the buck on its own complicity in sexual violence and its failure to provide satisfactory punishments that both highlight the atrocity that occurred and — more importantly — help Lena in her recovery.
The fact is that Brown’s claim of not tolerating sexual assault is NOT a fact, and we have to address that; the community is ALREADY engaging by stating its displeasure with the disciplinary action taken. Brown is the one that is not holding up its end, something I strongly hope it will address via concrete policy change.
Yvonne Yu ’14.5