Website archives (2004 - Present)
If the article you are looking for was posted between 2004 and today, you should be able to find it by searching for it on our site. Use the search function located in the upper-right corner of this page, or browse articles by month.
Recent PDFs (2002 - Present)
PDFs of the newspaper from 2002 onward are available online through a website called Issuu. The Herald's Issuu account can be found here. (Some issues, including those from fall 2005 and fall 2006, are not included.)
Digital archives (Intermittent years, 1891 - 2011)
Thanks to the efforts of The Brown Daily Herald's digitization project, several older parts of the Herald archives are now available online. If you would like to browse these archives, click here.
Bound volumes (1891 - 2012)
Bound volumes of all issues of The Herald are available for public viewing at Brown University's John Hay Library.