To the Editor:
As communications chair for the Undergraduate Council of Students, I want to respond to the letter to the editor by Therice Morris '13 with a clarification ("UCS invite cheapened by Facebook request," Oct. 12). Yes, we decided that part of the selection would be based on whether or not one has "liked" Brown UCS on Facebook. We aren't denying that. Our goal in doing so, though, was not for "shameless self-promotion," but rather to make sure students are aware of UCS and what we do on campus.
Our role is to be the liaison between students and administrators, and since social media continues to grow, Facebook is one of our best platforms to do that. For instance, in conjunction with the Center for Careers and Life After Brown and the Office of International Students and Scholar Services, we created World to Work, a program specifically aimed at international students who want to better understand how the job search in the United States works. We posted a link to this on Facebook, and because of that, 427 people saw it. We want people to be aware of the opportunities available to them, and Facebook is one of the best ways to get news out to everyone. We don't want to have to send emails to the whole student body every day.
Moreover, if you are that opposed to Facebook in general and explained that in your application, your entry in the lottery would not be contingent upon you liking us on Facebook. I would love to talk to you more about other ideas you might have for us to reach the student body, but I wouldn't go as far to say that what we did was "petty bribery."
Kyra Mungia '13
UCS Communications Chair