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Brown Democrats: Why we're voting Democratic this election day


On Tuesday, Brown Democrats will cast votes for President Barack Obama, Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline '83.

As students, we believe our politicians must prioritize expanding educational opportunities for every child so that students across America can access a quality education like the one we've been so lucky to experience at Brown. As young Americans, we believe our leaders must work to secure equal rights for all American citizens so that all of our friends and family members - regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation - are treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve. As Democrats, we believe our representatives in Washington must ensure that American middle-class families like ours are never left behind. We judge the character of our leaders not by what they say, but by what they do. Obama, Whitehouse and Cicilline have shown commitment to these issues and dedication to their solutions. They have earned our votes.

There is no reason why young people in the wealthiest nation in the world should move through life without the opportunities that an excellent education provides. During President Obama's four years in office, elementary education has improved through specific and localized reform approaches, which give states the flexibility they need to build better schools. College has become more affordable with the establishment of the college tax credit, more than twice as much funding for Pell Grants and the capping of federal student loan repayments. 

Pathways to good jobs are more accessible than ever thanks to investment in community colleges and career-training programs. Obama has proven that he understands the importance of a quality education at every level. And with the help of allies in the House and Senate like Cicilline and Whitehouse, we have seen the Obama campaign's educational promises become his administration's educational policies.

Obama's administration has been marked by an unwavering commitment to securing equality for all Americans, with the support of Cicilline and Whitehouse. The first bill that President Obama signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - legislation to help women fight against pay discrimination by employers. On the issue of gay rights, our president has ended the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of our military and has passed federal protections for victims of hate crimes due to sexual orientation or gender identity. President Obama refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in federal court, a law that Cicilline and Whitehouse have both fought to repeal by co-sponsoring the Respect for Marriage Act in Congress. All three men have endorsed marriage equality for LGBT Americans, a major step forward for one of the greatest civil rights struggles of our generation. Although we must continue to work toward achieving full equality for all Americans, we have made great strides forward as a nation due to the efforts of these Democrats.

Middle-class families have weathered a turbulent economic storm since 2008. During periods of financial meltdown, skyrocketing unemployment and great economic insecurity, we need politicians who fundamentally understand the struggles average families and small businesses face everyday. Obama, Whitehouse and Cicilline have shown that they can be counted on to step up to the plate for America's working families. Facing an economy hemorrhaging 700,000 jobs per month, President Obama cut taxes for 95 percent of America's working families and 97 percent of America's small businesses, put Americans back to work by investing in infrastructure and clean energy and saved the automobile industry when the livelihoods of more than one million employed Americans hung in the balance. Moreover, Obama created a watchdog agency to defend consumers from deceptive or downright fraudulent credit card and student loan practices. It's clear Obama, Whitehouse and Cicilline are determined to ensure that we have an economy where everyone plays by the same rules and everyone has a fair shot at providing security for their families.

Make no mistake, the candidates we support are not perfect. The politics of our party are not without flaws. In these three policy areas, there is much work left to do. A quality American education is still too expensive and too hard to find. Equality for all Americans is not yet a reality, and the economic policies of the past continue to burden the middle class of the present. But with leaders like Obama, Whitehouse and Cicilline in Washington, we can continue to build on the progress we've already made over the past four years. We've started moving in the right direction. We cannot afford to turn back now.



The Brown Democrats encourage all members of the Brown community to vote this Tuesday, Nov. 6. Same-day registration is available in Rhode Island. All Brown Students using an on-campus address can register and vote in Salomon Hall.



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