To the Editor:
Thank you very much for your editorial ("The persistence of prejudice," March 1) in support of the rights of Muslim students at Yale, Columbia and all colleges and universities in the United States. Unfortunately, we live in a time when the color of one's skin, the sound of one's name, one's country of origin or one's religious affiliations all become excuses for intelligence organizations to bulldoze the hard-won freedoms from tyranny, which — we hope — define the experience of living in a democracy. I encourage you to continue to explore these concerns and how they relate to the struggle of Latinos to be free from the fear of anti-immigration hysteria, African-Americans challenging the "new Jim Crow," Native Americans' continued fight for acknowledgement of the genocide that accompanied the founding of this nation-state and our LGBTQ brothers and sisters' campaign to live as equal citizens under the Constitution. All of this is interconnected, and the more we recognize it, the greater power we have to change it, if God so wills.
David Coolidge '01
Associate University Chaplain for the Muslim Community