To the Editor:
In response to Mika Zacks' '15 guest column ("An open letter to Brown Students for Israel," Dec. 5), I would like to address some of her points which attack the mission and purpose of Brown Students for Israel. It is absurd to define BSI's views solely within the content of one guest's speech. Earlier this semester, BSI brought Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., to articulate his views as an American politician on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Frank's address included a nuanced approach of engaging with Israel that included outright criticism of its government. This diversity of perspectives present in BSI's mission of education reflects its commitment to a wide-ranging, dynamic pro-Israel outlook. It is also worth noting that BSI was not the primary sponsor of Colonel Richard Kemp's presentation Nov. 17, but Zacks nonetheless uses it to summarize BSI's values.
Using BSI as a platform to typecast pro-Israel activities and demonize Israeli policy is unproductive and offensive. In his talk, Kemp did not address settlements and other issues mentioned in Zacks' column. The purpose of his presentation was to discuss the Gaza War from a third-party viewpoint. It is disrespectful for Zacks to manipulate campus debate under the guise of voicing frustration towards Israeli policy. Defining BSI within narrow, unfounded terms unfairly whitewashes the group and those associated with it. By referring to BSI as "Brown Students for the Justification of the Israeli Government," Zacks ignores the depth of the debate on subjects such as settlements, refugees and Jerusalem that occur at both BSI meetings and events.
Brandon Taub '15
BSI Education Director