Chocolate milk, Officer Chuck and post-midnight pizzas, Alice, drifting missions?, snowstorms, shotguns, Meeting Street, frat tabs, nerds, words and big birds.
Comma headlines, our readers, spinach, Steve and Becky, "decision"-making, evolution and bifurcation, roasts, BlogDailyHerald, exercise balls, Louis, the no-longer-bare Bear's Lair and weapons of sass destruction.
Snow what and the seven noozepapers, Freud, the "French," getting robbed, semicolons and em-dashes, real talk, SSWs, All City Towing, Zarvox the Phaser, thesauruses, people who bring a lot to the table, The 'Mont and the other 'Mont, the naked masturbator(s), Occupiers, our amazing staff, peanut m&m's, "Kiss Me" radio, lotteries, props, Marisa Quinn, the Blue Room and post-.
Herald Happy Hour, ball sports, Zone bars and milk, gold paint, longhorns, logs, Nice Slice's marinated tomatoes, deformities, Matt and Laurie, sample cups, liaisons and buddies, not being racist, journalism as therapy, dragoning, fancy tights, chips and guac, the Sub, bros, needing pens back, full color, Kleenex, frozen bananas, jello shots, social chairs, apples, kerning, Gchat, the snarky SafeRide operator, ladies' night, locker room conversations, recycling, 195 Angell, mochas, ka-boom babies, Sven Twintee, Yuan Na'in-Tien and Juan Ateen.
Cold beahhhs, Banquet, The 122nd Editorial Board, David Kertzer, late night Scouting, people who bake for us, people who bake with us, Ross Cheit, anonymous tipsters, new staff writers, Gail Schmitt, Philip Greene and Stanley Hanson, coups d'etat and spicies with. Wassadeal.
The Herald's 121st Editorial Board has a lot to be thankful for. Thanks for reading.