To the Editor:
I am writing to voice my concern and, frankly, my disgust with the way in which Friday's Herald made light of the sexual abuse charges against Jerry Sandusky ("Diamonds & Coal," Nov. 11). The piece in "Diamonds & Coal" did more than just suggest any parallels between child rape and the upcoming Brown vs. Dartmouth game, it outright stated them.
I cannot believe that I, or any other member of the Brown community, should have to actually take the time to say this, but here it is: This is not funny. Innocent children were subjected to the most harmful and barbarous acts imaginable at the hands of a monster, and for this paper to attempt bringing any levity to the situation is beyond disturbing. I would go so far as to call it morally reprehensible, though that is of course only my opinion.
I have a great faith in the student body here, and I respect the freedom to publish any manner of political or satirical opinions. Yet at some point, the editorial staff must recognize certain views may not only be tactless, but downright repugnant. This piece is an example of satire going too far, and The Herald should be deeply ashamed.
Aaron Weinstein GS