Through a combination of volunteer efforts and food donations, Providence People's Kitchen is providing three meals per day to members of the Occupy Providence movement, who have been residing in Burnside Park since Saturday evening.
The initiative, which gives food free of charge to the park's residents, primarily collects donated food from local farmers and individuals. Volunteers involved with the group collect food, cook and raise awareness by putting up posters soliciting donations throughout the city, according to the group's Facebook page.
"Providing meals to the people of Burnside Park is part of the utopian mindset of Occupy Providence," said Arthur Schechter '15, a volunteer for Providence People's Kitchen and an Occupy Providence participant.
So far, the group has had a steady flow of donations and volunteers, Schechter said. There is never a need to have more than two people working at a time, he added.
Though Providence People's Kitchen plays a distinct role, it is a participatory group operating under the Occupy Providence general assembly, which meets every day at 5 p.m. in Burnside Park.
"What's wonderful is the way in which people are coming together and contributing within their own ability," Schechter said.